Jack Bauer

Zack I'm tired of you bashing my show. It's my last season. Could you please go review something else? I promise it wont be pretty if you continue to give me C's…..

I hope you enjoyed me in glasses
I was just flashing back to Phone Booth. I had a huge role in that movie.

Haha so true Bernice. I will watch Idol in the privacy of my living room where my buddies cant bust my balls, but I would never go to one of those gatherings or an Idol tour concert for that matter.

Me and my girlfriend also mentioned that is was pretty funny he went back to his old school where he was probably tortured for four years.

Classic Simon
He was too funny after Kris and Gokey's duet…."Haha I don't know what to say. Ok Danny you were better." Kris just gave the biggest f you look after he said that. Also noticed the looks Simon keeps giving Kara when she is speaking. I think he is getting more and more tired of her every week.

85-90%? Better lower that by about 20%.

Just let me die, I can't do this anymore.