Tennessee Tuxedo

What next, he grows a dumbass beard and starts drinking PBR? I thought you were better than NPR, Tom.
Wait a minute…NPR…PBR…we're through the looking glass here, people!!

This isn't a newswire - it's an ad.

I watch two classics over the holidays: 'A Pistol For Ringo', a Euro-western actually set on X-Mas eve, and a live-action '50's short I call 'Christmas On Monkey island', an insane stock footage paste-up which I 100% believe Ed Wood made.

If only she would use her killer tongue for good instead of evil.

Tweens aren't part of my world, but why would they go crazy over pale, sparkly dudes in trees?
I say that fully admitting I've not seen any of the films.

As Lisa Simpson said, I know those words but that headline doesn't make any sense.

I demand a ban on that f**cking sing pig pic - it's horrific.

Where's the beef?…in the fridge, dumbass.

"Oh, lord. I do not have a strong opinion one way or another. But, if
given more time, I think I would get very into researching my own
research about it."

These war of the stars movies seem popular. I'll have to check one out someday.

spicoli323 never ate zucchini in his life.

If I knew this show existed, or had Netflix, I'd be crushed.
Next up, the gritty reboot: Narco Polo.

Linden also did dubbing in the '60's, everything from Euro-westerns ('The Big Gundown', 'Adios, Sabata') to Toho monster-fests.

I prayed he wouldn't pull out 'what's my motivation' for voicing a challenged chicken. Oh well.

Is this still on? Amazing.

No, as the above ad was brought to us by Criterion.

Only watched 'Avatar' about a month ago - cripes, is this what people were jizzing all over when it came out? Granted, it LOOKS amazing, but the story/dialogue would make Lucas shake his head.

The clip wouldn't run, but I knew she was homeless by the little preview pic, as she has fingerless gloves…and probably Chuck Taylors?

Smurfin' trolls!

Charmane Star?