Tennessee Tuxedo

Cade Yeager? CADE YEAGER?? Thank Jebus I've never seen any of these things.

Laughed harder at that Cattrall clip than anything else in the article. Don't understand the love.

It would take a massive post for me to explain the issues I have with this, so I'll keep it short: I don't buy what this guy is saying. These ads are WAY more staged than he's letting on. Also, I believe the more elaborate reveals are CGI.

To quote Yosemite Sam, "Dragons is sooo stupid!".

Yet another desaturated, CGI beard-fest…

Thanks, Obama (am I doing this right?)!

"…the tired and sexist obsession over Lena Dunham’s body."
is this actually a thing? I don't know anyone with this "obsession", or with any interest in her at all.

Grammer's high as kite, everybody, goofballs!
"Grammer’s memoir feels like it was written in artisanal ink with a quill pen, by a man wearing a Victorian velvet suit and sporting a monocle and toting an ivory-handled cane."
So it was written by Sideshow Bob, then.
Also..'THE KELS'. Really?

I was thinking more of Stefani's faux 'Girl Power' stance, and that I believe her songwriting is limited to adding "Damn.." to the start of every other line.

I've actually never heard her music until today. it's not aimed at me, but I agree with Glazer, though surprised he didn't mention Gwen Stefani or Taylor Swift - same MO (imo).
M-Train. Really?

About working for Sandler: "Everyone’s happy to show up and do very little." Can't add anything more to that.

John Mulaney is recognizable? Give me the rapping tortilla.

Watched them shooting this many times here in Vancouver. Depp was just cheekbones with a body attached as an afterthought. Holly Robinson was grounded and always pleasant. DeLuise was an obnoxious tool.
True story.

This does my heart good.
At least with the 'Vice' channel, the subjects of the shows are often fascinating, but I can't handle the flanneled/skinny/beardo "reporters".
With some of the locations, if it wasn't staged/filmed, I reckon they would be beaten or killed in minutes - well, I can always dream…

Yeah, he would just narrate the airport-cam footage, and the court would clap at the end.

I thought PETA meant People Eating Tasty Animals. My bad.

Smells like 'The Boss Baby' filled it's diaper.

No doubt when he comes back he'll have a beard.

Yeah, WTF do people do to library DVDs - is it that difficult to get them from the case to the player?

Was the Iron Fist character a hipster beardo? I doubt it.