Tennessee Tuxedo

I feel for Corey, but why does, say, Gwen Stefani get a pass?

Hey, pal, did you get a load of the nerd?!

The beard has to go.

Maybe Kevin Can Wait, but I can't wait to watch something else.

Do they twitter on the facepages, 'cause that'd be the bomb!

Funny, as I need alcohol to sit through any of her shows.

With a reach-around.

Loves 'Wizard Of Oz', thinks Dolly Parton is a "phenomenal human being"…jeez, Tim, I mean…jeez…

THANK GOD…wait…who are these people again?

.."but as a depiction of a unique milieu—specifically, volunteer fire departments in small-town Norway in the late 1970s.."

This is pathetic. The "new" AV club has hit rock bottom.

Don't sweat it. I'm a regular here AND Canadian - never heard of her.

This has really confused me. Though it looked poor (I had no interest in it) and was taking a lot of heat, I thought "well, it'll probably be huge", but it actually DID fail. I somehow feel badly for the creators - clearly I need some sort of therapy.
My first feeling when the film was coming to be was "why?" - seems

"When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting in some of these scenes…."
Nah, too easy.

"Gall-darn moosehead" is a classic.
Hugely enjoyable film.

That's just…no words.

They'd do as well to call this CRAZY-TV, CRACKED-TV, or even ARCHIE'S MAD HOUSE-TV.
Actually, it sounds like a weekly Friedberg/Seltzer movie. Sad.

The main thing I recall about the original were the first cast pictures - which had them posing in straight jackets…cause, like, they're MAD…like the show…do you get it?… MAD-TV…straight jackets…see what we did there?…these kids are totes CRAZY…just like the show…MAD-TV…and so on…

I thought the show was painful in it's attempts to be "hip", and find Nye a tad creepy. So sue me.

Woman's a hoth mess.