Aniston as a stripper? I'd believe 'Smurfs 2' is a documentary before I'd buy that.
Aniston as a stripper? I'd believe 'Smurfs 2' is a documentary before I'd buy that.
L to R: Roberts, Poehler, Besser, Walsh.
I hope the scientific community takes head of 'Gravity', so a tragedy such as this won't occcur once we finally send a man into space!
Going by the photo, I trust 'having a sandwich' is one of the things on the 'To Do To List'.
I knew we've reached the bottom when I saw the trailer for 'The Smurfs 2'.
Spent a number of days on the set of 'Xtro 2' when it was shooting here in Vancouver (underneath our Yahoo-Search Engine arena).
The director was a tool - dude wore an ascot, fer god's sake. Poor Jan Michael was a mess…completely wasted, stumbling around in an open shirt and sunglasses indoors.
…Sez Justin Timberlake and/or Jessica Beil, amirite?
It's something to do with magnets.
I'm guessing one of the 'Honey Boo Boo' scents will be paint.
Maybe Christmas Ape will show up.
Me , I want to be 'Yor, Hunter FromThe Future': "Damn talking box!!".
Why you ackin' so cray-cray??
Until they make a movie of Jimmy Olson as the gigantic turtle-man, or when he became the wolf-man of Metropolis, I refuse to be drawn into this.
Good day, sir!
I've been waiting forever for a movie that pairs a street smart wise-ass cop with an uptight by-the-book officer. How did they come up with that?
Wait…a giant, clear dome comes down over a city? What is this, some kind of "science" fiction??
That was 'Mr. Payback'.
oops….Elmo drop soap again!
At least he doesn't have dumb-ass, scraggly beard.
While Johnny Welfare plays acid rock on a stolen guitar, his old lady has a better idea….that's right, she's got the munchies for a 'California Cheeseburger'!
I hear there's a scene with a breakdancing Ronald McDonald. Oh…wait…that was 'Mac & Me'.