Saucy Jack

For serious, I forgot who the superstar was this week but when they said Rihanna, I was willing to bet anyone $100 that there's no way in hell they would ever, ever make 8 Flavahz do Birthday Cake given that America had just seen Rihanna's literal vagina monologue on SNL a few weeks back. Holy hell.

For serious, I forgot who the superstar was this week but when they said Rihanna, I was willing to bet anyone $100 that there's no way in hell they would ever, ever make 8 Flavahz do Birthday Cake given that America had just seen Rihanna's literal vagina monologue on SNL a few weeks back. Holy hell.

The Thicke of It

The Thicke of It

Les grandes équipes

Les grandes équipes

I don't think anyone was younger than college - which I was still in when the show started - until Chachi showed up last year. I think Yuri Tag from Kaba Modern was the first case. That was fun.

This season's pimping of Ian Eastwood is getting annoying. I mean, the show has always had a favorite that gets the camera way more than anyone else, but it was always a cute girl.

I don't even hear what you're saying right now 'cuz your face is driving me nuts.

So let's get this straight. My posting of concrete examples and links as supporting evidence is "not thinking about what I'm about to say before I say it?" I suppose next you're going to claim that finishing your argument with "Retard." is not a dead giveaway that you're in middle school. You know why I thought what I

Wow. You couldn't even spend 5 seconds on Google to find out Chuck D's political views?

Did you really just say Chuck D is right wing? And Nas? You don't know what words mean, do you?

I'd like to see the list of right-of-center black artists plz.

MCA rhymin' was always boss, but "I Don't Know" off Hello Nasty was always one of my fav Yauch tracks. Not recommended listening for the people here already getting weepy: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Spoiler alert: Mos Wanted is saving all their best stuff for the final weeks, which is the right way to go to win this thing. Think back to when Beat Freakz looked like they were running away with it until they didn't have anything spectacular left to display in the final episodes. Quest then unleashed everything they

Iconic Boyz was the biggest mistake ever. Not once were they ever the best in a given week. 8 Flavahz was the best of the night - that Kaelynn girl is a prodigy (as is Jennique from RNG). If Fanny Pak and So Real + Team Millenia + Boxcuttuhz are allowed to come back (as a freaking supergroup), Kaba Modern should too

“That sounds like music for white people,” is another way of saying, “That can’t be any good.”

Techcorp systems, another helpful GloboChem company.

SNL's hottest movie is…

… Kevin?

Michuim Doste DiSantos: 8.2/10