
Based on the trailers, I'm cautiously optimistic enough about robocop to say its 50/50. Winters tale? I think 30% is pretty generous. That looks like it has the potential to be all time terrible. I can only hope the same for the spelling bee movie too. Otherwise, that lemur movie sounds awesome. Lemurs are great!

I've eaten McDonald's in other countries and it's invariably been better than it is here, so I wouldn't assume anything.

This one really hurts, really really really hurts. Without a doubt my favorite actor and one of my favorite entertainers of any kind.

Yeah I love how they kept piling shit on to the bulletin board thing. I wasn't even thinking about the board itself so much as just loving Annie getting initiated into the whole bizarre power dynamic thing and her initial faux-pas of being overeager at the custodian mixer. And that it all ended with the Dean making

Hickey has been fantastic. This episode was the funniest Chang has been in a long, long time.

This episode had my favorite Britta mention of having lived in New York ever. Kind of a weird thing to stand out in such a packed episode but the way she said it absolutely killed me. Awesome episode for her all around. Troy was right, she is the best.

Hmm, I would have never noticed the similarity if it hadn't been pointed out. I mean, the first one is very bad, and the second one is good. And I say this as a huge fan of Katy's boobs.

Dude, thanks so much for bringing to my attention! Hilarious… I had to stop though after reading the one about Nidal Hasan's recent promotion because it was literally painful how hard I was laughing (long story short, I aggravated an old rib injury the other day and that article was not helping with the healing.)

Warning: oblique hint of a spoiler that is probably not much of one at all:

Yeah it is getting ridiculous. I was remembering some comment you had made on the pop culture gifts article about getting punished for writing some violent story when you were a kid and then again later as an adult… there was some real pathos in that story… like, the injustice of being punished for a fantasy, and what

I actually thought Do No Harm was good! I'm genuinely sad it got cancelled. Of course it was utterly ridiculous in a number of ways, but as the season went on it went from being dumb fun to legitimately interesting.

I give it an 'A' but with the caveat that I didn't finish the episode. Once they got to the threesome part I had to, um, go take care of something else.

Yeah, I liked this one much better though.

Now now, the Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on numerous occasions!

Ya know, I have never liked Michael Bay and in fact disliked or hated a number of his movies before I really knew who he was, but I'm having trouble getting any schadenfreude pleasure out of this or even, since the misfortune seems minor, getting a laugh out of the story's similarity to his terrible movies.

I don't know if you mean the Watch This article or the comments was a damned embarrassment, but I'm assuming the latter. I usually love the comments on this site but I just read that thread and sweet jesus was it asinine, and even more tedious. It reminded me of that GET OUT OF MY FACE! where Doc and Kenny's

Haha, I love that you had the same thought I did. Knowing that my sister would not be watching it until Monday night, I called her at 5:00 on Monday and said "oh man, can you believe it was all a dream?!" and when she was like, "what the fuck, I haven't seen it yet!!" I was like "oh it was crazy, and it wasn't even

I never watched Lost so no complaints here. Is it still ok to talk shit about Prometheus though?

@avclub-6c8349cc7260ae62e3b1396831a8398f:disqus Having just finished reading Christopher Hitchens's No One Left to Lie To about the Clinton presidency, I'll just recommend the book instead of recounting it here, but suffice to say that a good many powerful and influential Republicans were perfectly content with a

Almost all of this is fair criticism, but I still think its a very good show—especially compared with most everything on TV—with many parts of it reaching greatness taken on their own. The point that the show is essentially plot-driven and often mistaken for character-driven is absolutely correct. All that said,