
Too soon!

Yeah, he flat out stole the show from an absolutely stellar ensemble in Get Shorty. The scene where he beats the shit out of Gene Hackman with the phone is the most memorable part of a very good movie, and he absolutely owns it. Just the perfect menacing mixture of good-humored faux geniality and brutal sadism. He

Get out of my brain.

Oh no.

a Criminal Lawyer!

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Dammit! I'm pretty sure clicking that link just dropped my I.Q. by about 5 points…

Which one is the non-horrible child?

"…this is basically just a scene of Susie Essman calling David a “bald prick” [and Jeff Garlin a "fat fuck"] away from being a feature-length version of Curb."

I haven't seen many of his movies, but I thought The Shape of Things was a legit good movie, and Rachel Weisz was awesome in it.  And The Wicker Man is of course hilarious. I've never actually watched more than a few minutes of Lakeview Terrace, because it looked terrible, but my sister, hilariously IMO, always refers

Haha, love it… it was a while ago I watched it so I don't remember many of the lines. The only one I can think of is "Sorry I'm late. I was up late watching The Deer Hunter on TV.  I was in the mood for a comedy."

Haha, yeah that was a bit of an accident, I think…

I was reading Madame Bovary, but after the major event of Game of Thrones season three was (in a way) spoiled by all the internet buzz about it, I decided to read all of the books that are out before next season so that nothing like that happens again.  Also, I thought it was a strong finish to the season and didn't

Oh man, I used to LOVE Inspector Gadget as a kid.  The Naked Gun movies too, although I've never seen Police Squad.  Those "freeze-frame" epilogues were pure gold though.  Also, I've only seen the first season of Sledge Hammer, but I thought it was very funny.  Gonna have to look for the second season. That was a good

Whoa whoa whoa now, you're trying to tell me that a movie written by Damon Lindelof has a crappy ending? That's a pretty big stretch there…

Gonna second Andrea's pick of In My Life.  It was the first song that I thought of, and I'm not surprised one of the staff shared my thoughts.  Must say though that Tuesday's Gone is a damn solid choice as well.

I just hope this doesn't affect the budget for Johnny Depp's hats.

Yeah, it appears that there was some editorial substitution…
…by which a reference to male genitalia was euphemistically replaced with a reference to the individuals to whom they are attached!

"Addition," not "edition."

All the buzz about Game of Thrones convinced me to break down and order HBO so I could get caught up, which I did except for the season finale that aired last night.  I had already watched through the second season and the first few of this year, but I had a ways to go.  It was kind of annoying that I just wanted to

Little Mermaid here.  Pretty sure my little sister wanted to see it more than I did, as I thought it was for girls, but Ariel was pretty hot, so there was that…