
I didn't hate it, but I thought there were better episodes this season. I thought Herstory of Dance was a very good episode, and IMO Basic Human Anatomy came close to some of the better episodes, if not the best ones, from previous seasons.  Especially in the latter case, I thought it had a lot of that trademarked

In Soviet Russia, military equipment is you!

I'm sure he was just looking for some Happiness wherever he could find it, and no doubt he had some Boogie Nights along the way.  Hopefully now he can be The Master of his urges though.

Haven't you ever heard that Modest Mouse song? The one where he's like "that Jamaican took every last dime with that scam…it was worth it just to learn some prestidigitation."

Good question.  I guess I thought it might be dumb fun, but I found the fun sorely lacking.

Haha, touche.  I just meant that based on what I've seen, I don't feel any urge to "watch this" any time soon.

I walked out of this after 15 minutes.

Yeah I get it.  See my comment about Due Date above.  My point was that even though I wasn't crazy about the first one, I thought the last one was pretty damn funny, and I am frankly baffled by all the hate for it, especially from people who liked the (inferior) first one.  As I say below, I thought Rabin's review of

"…the matter-of-factness of the transsexual and gay-panic jokes is almost progressive."

Whatever. I am going to see this because Zach Galifianakis is the shit, and if it as good as the second, I will have gotten my money's worth.  And by the way, the second was better than the first, which, admittedly, was no masterpiece. I thought it was funny though that they took a situation that you thought,

I hope The Walking Dead ends with all the zombies getting killed by a smoke demon, although it could also be cool if they went with something unexpected…

I guess that just shows how differently people can assess a piece of art cause what you said about the conflicts (probably) coming to a head over a very long time span didn't really surprise or disappoint me at all.  I should say though that there were plenty of problems with how the second season played out that had

I don't know if it's my least favorite, but as someone who's never read the books I gotta say I felt that way in Game of Thrones second season, and not in a good way.  The first season was all awesome political intrigue and family drama and subtext about the thin, sometimes non-existent, line between civilization and

Hmm, I can't claim to be an aficionado or anything, but I remember liking at least Goldeneye (and Brosnan in it) well enough, and I don't think Tomorrow Never Dies was too great, but I don't think Brosnan was the problem.  Craig is terrible though.  He has all the charisma and humor of tree bark.

T2 is on my short list also. My dad took me to see a late showing of it on a school night when I was 7, and between staying out way past my bedtime and the kick-ass nightmares I had, I was not able to make it to school the next day. Needless to say, I watched it many, many more times in the years after.

Yup.  This was the first one I thought of.  I actually watched it for the first time in many years not too long ago and was happy to find it more than worthy of the fond memories I had of it.  Others that came to mind: Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Terminator 2 and Beetlejuice.

@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus …and one of them is Jesus.

Hmmm… IMDB tells me that he was in both An American Carol and Tiptoes, so, yeah, I'm gonna have to agree.

I sure hope so!

Bravo Rabin, bravo.  You really saved the "best" for last, it seems.  Seriously though, just wanted to echo all the sentiments above.  This was my favorite feature on this site, followed by DVD Purgatory and Commentary Tracks of the Damned.  You are an awesome and hilarious writer and I can only hope that whatever you