
I think we can all agree on two things: NOT Robert Langdon and NOT Thomas Schell

Carl Hanratty or GTFO!

Carl Hanratty or GTFO!

Yeah…that first sentence…wow.  Just wow.

Yeah…that first sentence…wow.  Just wow.

Lindsay's continuing downfall will never be anything but sad to me.  We must all as a society band together to make sure this does not happen to the girl from Moonrise Kingdom.  You know, Tilda Swinton.

Lindsay's continuing downfall will never be anything but sad to me.  We must all as a society band together to make sure this does not happen to the girl from Moonrise Kingdom.  You know, Tilda Swinton.

I had to scroll back up and look at the picture again when I read this, but then it made me laugh really, really hard.  Well done.

I had to scroll back up and look at the picture again when I read this, but then it made me laugh really, really hard.  Well done.

I don't know, when confronted by something this terrible, what else can anyone say other than "it is unbelievably fucking awful."  At least that line almost prepared me for what was coming.

I don't know, when confronted by something this terrible, what else can anyone say other than "it is unbelievably fucking awful."  At least that line almost prepared me for what was coming.

It was some of the best special effects I have ever scene, and not done in service of the kind of mindless action sequences that make up, for example, the Transformers movies, so for that I commend it.  But I couldn't stop thinking that the leap from "look they left cave paintings" to "they must have created us" was

It was some of the best special effects I have ever scene, and not done in service of the kind of mindless action sequences that make up, for example, the Transformers movies, so for that I commend it.  But I couldn't stop thinking that the leap from "look they left cave paintings" to "they must have created us" was

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus , so what you're saying is that the decision to immolate one of the central characters with a flamethrower in front of his wife and the rest of the crew because he was infected with some mysterious pathogen that they basically knew nothing about had nothing to do with

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus , so what you're saying is that the decision to immolate one of the central characters with a flamethrower in front of his wife and the rest of the crew because he was infected with some mysterious pathogen that they basically knew nothing about had nothing to do with

I hope that you alerted Fox News so that they could display their outrage and show their unqualified solidarity with the common man…

I hope that you alerted Fox News so that they could display their outrage and show their unqualified solidarity with the common man…

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , boy I didn't realize so many programs tied together under the Marketplace banner.  I guess it would be the flagship one with Kai Ryssdal that is drawing my ire.  At least I think that's the one that's on around evening rush hour…

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , boy I didn't realize so many programs tied together under the Marketplace banner.  I guess it would be the flagship one with Kai Ryssdal that is drawing my ire.  At least I think that's the one that's on around evening rush hour…

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I just can't take the aggressive, relentless attempts at cuteness and irony in Marketplace's human interest stories, although otherwise they do often talk about interesting subjects.  I love Fresh Air and All Things Considered though.  I'll listen to those anyday.  Also, while I don't think it