
@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I just can't take the aggressive, relentless attempts at cuteness and irony in Marketplace's human interest stories, although otherwise they do often talk about interesting subjects.  I love Fresh Air and All Things Considered though.  I'll listen to those anyday.  Also, while I don't think it

Yeah me too.  I am frankly quite shocked by the outpouring of affection for this show.  I always thought it was by far the worst program on NPR (well, Marketplace might not be that far behind) and never understood why it was even on the air.

Yeah me too.  I am frankly quite shocked by the outpouring of affection for this show.  I always thought it was by far the worst program on NPR (well, Marketplace might not be that far behind) and never understood why it was even on the air.

Yeah I agree,  Tenenbaums didn't do a whole lot for me when I saw it, but I thought Rushmore was pretty great.  I also liked Darjeeling Limited quite a bit, but that had as much to do with the setting as anything else about the movie.

Yeah I agree,  Tenenbaums didn't do a whole lot for me when I saw it, but I thought Rushmore was pretty great.  I also liked Darjeeling Limited quite a bit, but that had as much to do with the setting as anything else about the movie.

Well, there's also the Los Alamos research facility in New Mexico, which was the most advanced laboratory in the world for about half a century or so…

Well, there's also the Los Alamos research facility in New Mexico, which was the most advanced laboratory in the world for about half a century or so…

Then again, I might only be thinking that about The Man because it exceeded my extremely low expectations.  I haven't seen it in years, and nor do I have any particular desire to.

I actually laughed watching The Man.  Eugene Levy saved it I thought.

I really, really hope that Evil Abed plays a big part in the movie.  I wouldn't mind seeing him bring the timeline darkness level up to around 50% or so.

I really, really hope that Evil Abed plays a big part in the movie.  I wouldn't mind seeing him bring the timeline darkness level up to around 50% or so.

That just made me really want to play Donkey Kong Country.

That just made me really want to play Donkey Kong Country.

"…and he's been replaced by, let's see, a 'deanelganger.'"

"…and he's been replaced by, let's see, a 'deanelganger.'"

I did not think anything would ever top Annie's song and dance in Regional Holiday Music, but Goth Britta did.  I'm glad she wasn't in Dark Shadows looking like that, because then I would have to see it.

I did not think anything would ever top Annie's song and dance in Regional Holiday Music, but Goth Britta did.  I'm glad she wasn't in Dark Shadows looking like that, because then I would have to see it.

If I remember correctly, Chapter 27 (that is the Jared Leto/Linsey Lohan movie about the guy who killed John Lennon right?) not only got the F review, but had a feature article called "Portrait of an F" or something like that, that was all about how it was so transcendently awful that it epitomized everything that

GIK, Kazahks are not Arabs.

I can see why some people might say that.  Some of the jokes did feel a bit cheap in that way, but most of those parts were more unfunny than offensive, I thought.  The movie was still pretty funny though.