
…and speaking of @$$hole moves, am I the only one who has a problem with the concept of using physical intimidation and extra-legal violence to silence groups who you disagree with in a country whose laws protect your own safety and right of free speech?

If you wanna talk about testing pharmaceutical drugs then you might have a point, but f-ing shampoo? Give me a break.  Sorry, but I can't agree that it's ok to basically imprison and torture living, sentient, emotional creatures so that you can figure out just how much toxic shit you can put into a grooming product

Vidal Sassoon the company tests on animals, so good riddance to this @$$hole. I hope he went painfully.

Amused contempt is also a good way to describe how I felt reading his quotes.

Sean Penn is terrible.

Or a tattoo of Beavis and Butthead getting tattoos of butts on their butts, on your butt…

Jessica Rabbit

It has been a long time since I saw this, but I remembered the first 15 minutes or so as being pretty bad then the movie getting a lot better after that.  Then again, I was about 10.  If I remember correctly though, the giant is played pretty well by Patrick Warburton.

Burn After Re-Reading

Yes, naturally, turns out he was just coming down really hard.  I mean, who hasn't been THERE right?

Episode 3: Baseline Jumper - After a night involving multiple methods of heavy cocaine use, he contemplates jumping off of his roof and ending it all, until his friends talk him down from the ledge.

I may or may not go see this movie, but I will be eating sushi tonight after reading this review.

I don't know which I would see faster… a Kickpuncher feature or an Inspector Spacetime feature.  Oh who am I kidding, its gotta be Kickpuncher.  I would totally watch that Inspector Spacetime special though, that looked legit.