Crook Kid

@Murray—Present, um actually…

That's right! Fuck y'all! Or-e-gone, represent!

Is it common to say "IRregardless" in Virginia? 'Cause, if so, now I have to hate a whole state.

You are not being a killjoy in the least. You, me, and I'm sure most of the people on this site deeply appreciate when fantastical, imaginative story telling incorporates deep, realistic psychological, moral, and philosophical issues. Along with kung fu.

Breakfast cereal.

Yep. I'm pretty excited for this feature because: A. I'm a late-blooming nerd myself, and B. TVDW is probably my favorite writer on this site as he seems to share the most similar pop culture tastes with me. And, as mentioned above, he tends to gleam a good bit of personal and social reflection from the silly pop

I say forget The Dark Tower, and jump into The King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I just started ASOIAF to tide myself over until the third and final book of that series comes out. They both take similar approaches to sword and sorcery fantasy by adding psychological/sociological realism into the mix.

Does anybody know if FX ever plans on streaming this season of Justified? I need my fix, dammit!

@avclub-ffc486b563126f258ae6dbb0d3e3d827:disqus, as a fellow, anti-jingoist lefty, you're making us look incredibly immature and presumptuous. The assumptions you're making about Juanito in particular are incredibly hypocritical. Please make an articulate, thoughtful criticism, or just shut the fuck up. 

I might not have much of a place in this discussion as a straight male, but HOW COULD YOU WANT TO KILL ANYONE MORE THAN SIMON? I mean, what an uptight, smug, dry, stick in the mud!

Despite being a straight male (usually), it's a lot easier for me come up with a man crush then a lady.

Definitely not, profdragon. The second book got far better reviews because it's a far better book.

Song: At The Drive-In, "One-Armed Scissor"

Is she Icelandic or something? I really hope her voice isn't some contrived affectation.  Or, god forbid, an affected contrivance.

Genuinely curious: What do you consider indie rock to sound like? Frankly, I don't think of it as having a distinct sound whatsoever, as much as just coming from an independent label. Of course, that  would, technically, put a lot of rap artists and other random musicians in the indie realm as well, so…

A couple of his movies (as sarCCastro notes above) rank among my favorites, but, generally, I think you're spot on. He seems more interested in breaking new technical ground than achieving emotional authenticity and potency. (good lord, was that pretentious much?)

This gimmick poster is just trying to prove that being a woman has nothing to do with being unfunny.

Jimmy Buffett is obviously a woman.

Jean-Luc, I very much meant puritanical with a little 'p' that is present in so much conservative as well as mainstream discourse, rather than the literal, historical 'Puritans.' I can see how referring to it as our "heritage" made that unclear, though. Sorry for the confusion.

We kind of have a perfect storm for sexual shame here in the U.S. We have a sexually puritanical heritage on one side, shaming American youth for their sexual activity, and on the other side is a hyper-sexual MTV culture that tries to convince American youth that they're worthless if they're not viewed as sexually