Crook Kid

Has anyone else seen The Sea Inside? The scene where (SPOILERS) Javier Bardem calls his friend to tell her good bye before he goes through with his suicide. The only time I've ever cried in a movie.

drdarkeny, I'm sorry, but I have nothing intelligent to say to you right now ('cause booze is fun), so… STFU.

Well, I wasn't listening to Nine Types of Light when I read this, but I sure as hell am now. I think we can take comfort, though, that he had enough time to contribute something that so many of us are able appreciate. (Something other than god) bless him for what he gave to all of us. Well done, Mr. Smith. RIP, indeed.

Way to keep it classy, guys.

Oregonian, born and raised. I've lived in Stumptown for 4 years now.

The "only" video, you say? You cad! A kick in the shin for you!

No, you don't.

So anyway, I'm incredibly excited for The Wiseman's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Historically, I have not been a fantasy fan, but that guy can write one hell of a story. That, and The Magicians completely won me over. Yay for dorkdom!

Wow. Anybody who doesn't have a shit-eating grin after watching that, well… I just don't want to know you.

I wouldn't exactly call Now We Can See a misstep, but Personal Life has certainly overshadowed it, IMHO.

AHHHH! Someone please explain to me the appeal of Lisbon by the Walkmen. It was so goddamn blah. Why does it keep showing up on these lists? The National, however, just wow. Wasn't a fan before, but they hooked me.

I generally enjoyed the Walkmen album, but nothing about it would put it near the top of any Best Of list for me. Just underwhelming.

Smartypants, you and I should commiserate. Or do you prefer to curse the gods alone?

Copa Cobana?

Shit. Wild Bunches of Oates would have been the coolest name. Gah! Lament… lament…

I realize it's going to be a long time, if ever, that anyone looks at this thread again, but I just finished this (awesome) book and I'm DYING to talk about the super "curious" ending. What the hell happened there!? Is the story over, or is it leading into a sequel? I gotsta know!

I can tell you're a True American by the misspelling, even though at first I was worried that was some commie/faggy/Islammy way of spelling certificate.

Huh. I was at the Big Apple Comic Con last year, and Ferrigno actually seemed really nice. There was deaf kid who came to his table that he talked with for a good 10 minutes. Guess he's just biased about which disabled kids he gives the time of day.

Yeah, to me it just makes sense to give some insight as to how the characters respond to an emotional situation. If there hadn't been a reaction of Cher's character, I'd be left wondering what her reaction was.

Is this a common spambot thing?