
It's pretty freaking simple…If you don't like the violence this show depicts…DON'T WATCH IT!!!! Spare us your whiny sniveling soapbox rants about them and turn the writing duties over to someone that likes the show.

Who's angry? That would imply I give a crap about an anonymous internet posters opinion. They are entitled to their opinion…just like i am entitled to point out how ridiculous it is

IT'S STILL JUST A TV SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So no, it certainly is not a real world problem. You chose to make it a real world problem when there are in fact real world problems you blissfully ignore while raging about a tv show on the internet

Well, considering the director stated it wasn't intended to be a rape scene it is quite clear what is intended. You just choose to interpret their intent despite their public statements contrary to your outrage.

If they didn't intend for it to be a rape scene how then did they use the rape as a sensationalist device? We really cant leave aside their intent and draw the conclusions you've drawn without making assumptions that are invalid do to the previously mentioned lack of intent. Your (and the angry internet mobs)

That's just a poor excuse, people just like to have reasons to be outraged. TV shows and Movies differ from the books they are drawn from all the time. This wasn't even close to the 1st time the show has differed from the books so why wasn't it interesting and necessary to consider the repercussions then?

He has it right for the part of the AVC crowd that are among the idiot mobs looking for reasons to be OUTRAGED ROOAARR!!

Yes you are right….it would me MUCH better to get killed, or flayed, or pressed into slavery etc etc etc. The fact that you are outraged over a tv show depicting something that was quite common at this point in human history while being ok w/ the multitudes of other terrible acts depicted on this show is asinine.

It's a perfectly logical argument, rape is FAR from the worst thing depicted on GoT that does occur quite often in the real world. But nice job in choosing two extreme examples to make your entirely invalid point.

No, you are quite wrong. The torch and pitchfork toting idiot mobs were out in force Sunday long before there were any interviews with the actors director etc. There are and have been dozens of tv shows depicting unspeakable acts of violence people commit to each other, but somehow this is the worst thing people

Congrats to Alien Jesus to what is perhaps the single stupidest comment on this whole thread…Those are not daily real world issues? Unspeakable acts like those you cited most certainly do occur on an all to frequent basis, just because it doesn't happen in your neighborhood doesn't mean is isn't happening. And this

This was a great episode and there is nothing at all wrong with the series, all the "outrage" at the rape scene is mind numbingly stupid

Perfectly stated

I really don't know, I generally like the recaps I just wish he would tone down his "shock". Sutter isn't afraid to do things that shock people, that's part of what we love about this show. So freaking out when something shockingly horrible happens to people involved with an outlaw biker gang is just silly.

I really don't know, I generally like the recaps I just wish he would tone down his "shock". Sutter isn't afraid to do things that shock people, that's part of what we love about this show. So freaking out when something shockingly horrible happens to people involved with an outlaw biker gang is just silly.

I just started the newest seasons recaps…and he's still pounding the Gemma's rape drum lol. I like the recaps but he forgets that this is a show about an outlaw biker gang not an upstanding civic organization. Oh well I guess.

I just started the newest seasons recaps…and he's still pounding the Gemma's rape drum lol. I like the recaps but he forgets that this is a show about an outlaw biker gang not an upstanding civic organization. Oh well I guess.

I am just reading the recaps, I'm current on the show viewing wise. But I agree, I thought the same thing. Zack gets way to carried away being "shocked" by the over the top scenes. If I hear him mention how terrible the gang rape scene was again I swear I'm gonna flip out. It's a show about outlaw bikers who sell

I am just reading the recaps, I'm current on the show viewing wise. But I agree, I thought the same thing. Zack gets way to carried away being "shocked" by the over the top scenes. If I hear him mention how terrible the gang rape scene was again I swear I'm gonna flip out. It's a show about outlaw bikers who sell