Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Small quibble, but I'm not sure that I'd classify Bonzo's drumming as "polished." I mean it's perfect, in that "most perfect thing that could have been played to this song" kind of way, but "polished" brings to mind how drums are recorded now-a-days with the Pro-tools, cut and paste, click-track, compressed-as-fuck

Tail Bud Good To Mr. Big's.

Two girls, one boy.

Mr. Show did that with "Pallies." I'm sure wth much beter results.

And we're all better for you having done it Chris.

You go now!

Wasn't Lt. Dan "the Gimp?" Also the scene where Vincent "shoots marvin in the face," was that a meatball sub that splatters in "Gump Fiction?"

Agreed. Most of Sasso's work was pretty good. Unfortunately most sketches involve more than one actor who is not Will Sasso.

Firstie soldier moves on to try and first another day.

Aparently I have the Futurama package on my digital cable. That and I was exaggerating a bit due to my frustration with the show being on, seeminly, all the time.

Other Than Their Make-up department
This show was terrible right after the first sketch, admittedly the show's peak: "Gump Fiction." It all went down hill from there.

No, like Danzig from Danzig.

J. Reihold presiding. May I remind you that this is merely a mock trial.

Smirk and a huff. My co-workers are on to me. Thanks Salsa.

I really haven't been following the ZMF approved list. I assumed he must like other movies too.

"Wanna see my dingus? I was the Nirvana baby."

Yes, but will ZMF give the movie the all-imortant "OWNS YOUR ASS?" So far only the Saw movies have been up to that standard.

Is It A Documentary?
For the gas, electric, or cable company?

I think Fake Chauncey is upset that you included him as a troll, and little else. It's as if his accomplishments have gone unnoticed.

Now that we're debating the gayness of Jaden or Karatloz, I must ask, where does "Karatloz" come from? I know it's Joe11, but the moniker throws me. What's the origin?