Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Seriously guys, stop it it really hurts my feelings. No more Plop-Plop, I beg you.

Also If I may. "Every dem is a god-hating idiot." I'm not sure I've met any god-hating dems. Maybe not Catholic, maybe they don't believe in your Chrsitian God, but does that mean they hate God? If they don't believe he exists, then what's to hate? Although you were saying "Not all…," you are still admitting that

You may have four kids. But she has five that was the (sic). What amazes me is that not one Rep. has been able to stay on subject, you introduce independent variables to the discussion, veering it away from the actual point for leverage.

Don't mistake my "Late Night" talk show personality with my real ideas.

BTW, good speech. Did you memorize that from your childhood?

What makes my retort stupid? Since you seem to be the compass of funny, why don't you tell me what is funny about "Go Plop-Plop." And if your answer is something akin to, "well, it aggrivates you." You're wrong. I couldn't care less about who goes plop-plop. It doesn't bug me, although it is a bit strange that

Clownpenis(dot)fart : A Place For Mushrooms

Really? You're a fan of seeing "GO PLOP-PLOP?" Shit, I though I was bored.

Let me be the first to say.

You've just got Cincoed!

She's gonna be a heartbeat away, and the lady can't even manage to put a diaphram in. Five kids? Yeah, sounds like the perfect time to help lead our country.

No. He clearly said, "To blave, " which means "to bluff."

Be that as it may, I need my lovins!

Me and Duchovny, We're Like This *Crosses Fingers*
I also am addicted to sex. But instead of involving all the drama of chasing strange, I prefer to keep my problems relatively light by having only one lady to worry about. I always wonder why the cheaters and the polyamorous would want to deal with more than one

Tumblers better than Pumpers!

Ah, yes. I recently have also become a cult-of-personality. Sometimes I talk about Two and a Half Men (A show I've never seen), other times I refer to myself in the third-person/second-person narritive declaring plop-plop. It's very hard to keep it all together. But that's what I get for being so polarizing, I

Ah, yes. Correcting my word fragments. I'm glad there is an AP style guide for redneck lingo.

Just playing to the "I need a nemesis" post you made afew days ago.

