Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Ah, fuck!

Well at leat the "Power Laces" don't work. But had they, I would've said, "pony up, American Haelth Association."

I heard about this a couple months ago
…but didn't think they were serious. Don't you think curing parkinsons might be a better goal for 2015.

Hey man, check below me. People are having fun with these threads. When you're done trying to start an argument with me, come on down. The waters great!

No need to be a dick. Posting has been glitchy today and I'd hate to think someone might take me seriously.

Just remember CRASS alumn Eve Liberty helped you "piss the night away."

Tried to post this once, hope its not a double but, relax man. I wasn't serious. Hyden is talking about working at his school paper, and in all my JOU classes they constantly reminded us that factual errors can cost you your job. It was just a bit of fellow "paperboy" ribbing.

Hey. Relax, both were in good fun. During Journalism classes your teachers insist that a factual error could cost you your job. I think Hyden can take a bit of a ribbing.

My inner AV Clubber told me not to pass up the firstie, but my years earning my journalism degree kicked in soon after.

But that takes too long. I want my news now, and semi-accurate!

Your centerpiece has a factual error, paperboy. It's "Save Tonight."

Holy Shit
I just "wikipediaed" this guy Friday…really dropped off after his first and only hit.

Don't mess with texas. You may get down syndrom, or herpes…or maybe just a really big steak.

What's funny is how my first comment was completely silly, and slightly sarcastic…you guys ran with it. This is why I must never turn to the dark side.

Yeah, but then I got to buy all the DVDs and stop arguing "who shot first," in lieu of debates on whether Deep Space Nine, the Next Generation or the original was the best. And all the conventions. Then I have to tailor my own crew shirt…it's just so exhausting.

Is a Giant among men. His candor in Coffee & Cigarettes was great opposite Iggy Pop's uncomfortable, ADD, fifth-grader on pixie sticks behavior.

Agreed, but my Star Wars side may still keep me from the multi-plex.

ZMF is part of a Morning Zoo Crew? It's all starting to make so much sense. That's why he's agitated late in the afternoon, he had to work at 4:00am.

Dre's producin' my album, and shit…

I can spell it, but I sound drunk when I say it. So I guess it's onomatapiamanhsgsf.