otto mann empire

Alexander doesnt get much credit for physical comedy, but The Boyfriend was the best: Laying on the floor with his pants aroung his ankles, Jerry taking obvious delight in the faux position of power he was given; "And you want to be my latex salesman?"

The truth is, those things are a lot trickier in real life.

Yeah, have sex with a girl after your buddy just went on a date with and was smitten is a bit of a betrayal.

Great stuff. I've done that 'classy' line while talking to someone and wiping my mouth with my shirt dozens of times.

Let me tell you something about zip-codes; they're meaningless. Hahaha!

They got this thing called email!

Wow! You have a lost a lot of hair!

If I were you, I wouldn't go to the bathroom for the WHOLE trip!

I know! Our irascible Sims lightened up a bit. But he is still right about this being a bit of a subpar episode. And Jerry's shenanigans with the dermatologist didnt really go anywhere interesting. Besides, I think we already got enough of Senfeld's opinions of the outliers of the medical field (dentists, pediatrists,

This might be a rare instance in which I think Sims gave an episode a little TOO much credit. It does milk some great gags from the format, and the fact that we got to see a window into Kramer's social life when he's not hanging around Jerry was a real treat. But otherwise, this is one of the few episodes after season

No, he is the Chari Man!

Ah, that's exactly my point, @dumb. The virus may be ariborne, rather than transmitted via fluids, and everyone is infected. Everyone will be a zombie after they die unless someone severs their brain for them after death. Perhaps the zombie bite, since we are talking about putrified flesh, just causes a really nasty

I have a feeling they're saving that up for the finale, which means we all have more farm action to look forward to until they're finally forced off!

Actually, as the review pointed out, it's been a few weeks. Still, I'd think it would take a bit longer.

Oh really? Who did T-Dog have a ping pong tournament with? GLEN?!? Racist.

Well, they WERE wearing zombie blood in season one to get past a horde, if you remember. But I do think they were a bit more conscious of not betting it into any open wounds

I dont know, I think that leaves hope that things will eventually get back to normal. All we really havt to do is change our burial rituals: now, every recently departed has to have their brain severed. No more traumatic than what we in the West generally do to corpses to make them look "presentable," and cremation is

Yeah, zombies are rotting, so I dont have a problem with the idea that a four or five inch knife could penetrate the skull. It does raise another question, which to be fair is present in almost all zombie fiction: If all but the brain-stem, "repitlian brain," or whatever is what functions in the zombie, what

There's plenty of people I went to school with who I didnt know their address. But it seems to me that if he really went to school with Maggie, or if Maggie remembered him, than she would have said something like "Hey! You're that kid from home room!" Or, if he had ever been around the house pre-zombie days, then

I was waiting for Lori to say, "And you do such a great job standing guard! Remember when you saved us from 'zombie' Daryl?"