otto mann empire

Agreed, and on an unrelated note; I'm glad that Andrea at least said what a lot of people (particularly around these parts) have been saying— Shane, most of your ideas are right, but you act like a goddamn asshole and loon, and you're not going to have any influence acting that way.

I'm pretty sure he's said that before, too.

@freddy to be fair, the hub cap didnt really damage the zombie much, just kind of knocked it off balance, giving her enough time to grab the gun. But yeah, I dont see how anyone could so adeptly yank a gear-shift out of the dash and stab a zed in th@avclub-bc6a370435552949bcf7927a391bac45:disqus e eye.

I enjoyed the opening because, even though I knew Lori was goin to die yet, it was still pretty bad-ass zombie action and really cool and gross and stuff. If we had a bit more of that, many of the characters' rather stupid motivations and decision-making skill will be a lot more tolerable.

The gate was his enemy!

Agree with most everything Handlen has to say here, but I still feel that this episode was at least on par with Nebraska. Instead of one really terrific set-piece here, we have three or four that do the job well enough: Lorie's fight against the zombies may have had a pretty ridiculous set-up, but it was still

Much of the "plot" has been in the background for most episodes, only coming to the foreground occasionally to basically keep things on task ("Hey audience, rember, there is still a Syndicate operating out there! We'll get to that later") and I've heard it argued before that Bebop has much more in common with

It's rather telling that as soon as Ed and Ein leave, we get to Real Folk Blues, and the show kind of loses any last since of whimsey or play that was on display in Cowboy Funk and Mushroom Samba. It's now down to some very serious, deadly business. Which is also great because it's such a well-done and satisfying

A great point that should be addressed. I dont think I would use the word 'harsh,' but it's certainly unfortunate. I'm reminded of Tasha's review for 'Secret World of Arrietty,' where there may not be any character's harboring malice, but a lot of descrution happens because of unintended consequences. So yeah, I don't

I think a review of any Cowboy Bebop episode that doesnt take the music into consideration is a half-assed review, considering that the music is never an afterthought, but always integral to the mood and emotion. But especially in the episode, the music just added so much more weight and significance to the subtle

This was an extremely effective, emotional episode. As has been mentioned elsewhere, but the conclusion; with Spike and Jet eating Fayes and Ed's share of eggs, Faye sprawled out on the square of ground that ounce occupied her forgotten past, and Ed and Ein mrching off into the unknown to follow a father whose

Also, "Because it didn't fit with the focus of what I wanted to talk about" is a pretty lame excuse. Whta you are talking about is the episode. Talk about the whole episode. Talk about the beginning, the middle, and the end. Give me a break with these pathetic excuses. I think that when one of the four crew members

I don't think he called you any names, Abrams. He may have used some untoward language, perhaps offensive even, but don't think he called you any names. But hey, I'm not surprised. You have shown in the past that you have difficulty following along with the story.

The Overthinking reviews for this show are really some of the best tv writing on the internet. It's a damn shame that they stopped reviewing the show after this episode, for no real reason.

Exactly! I really can't believe anyone could be disappointed by this episode, it's easily one of my favorites. But obviously dynamic of the fight scene was that Spike had never encountered anyone with Appledelhi's fighting style, and hadn't yet adjusted his technique before Ed crash-landed the Bebop. Besides, it's not

To be fair, I think this season has the most black cast members of any other season. I could be wrong

It's a prank.

Now put on your jock, if you need it.

Serenity now, insanity later! I love the reveal that Braun really was crazy the whole time