otto mann empire

Well, I Learned My Lesson
I clicked on this assuming Mazerati would be a rapper. Turns out its the exact opposite. Looks I learned a little lesson about prejudice! (and a rapper would probably spell it like 'Mazzeradee' or some dumb ass shit like that)

Dont need no credit card to ride this train………………….

As a crusty punk, I surely had a lot of hate for hippies, but compared to hipsters they are much more respectable. One of the surest ways to differentiate the hipster from the nonhipster (which seems to be something a lot of people are having trouble with) would be genuine love and participation in a particular

Are you, like, being sarcastic MAN?

So women have the mental and physical faculties of preschoolers? Its not like he threatened to kick their ass or anything, he was just making them feel socially uncomfortable. Of course, to a hipster that is the worst possible thing that could happen.

Rollins is awesome. He talks to the troops, which regardless of his opposition to the war, isnt shit that would make him particularly popular with the hip, switched-on set, but he takes care of shit anyway and doesnt give a fuck. If they were really fans of his, and not just trying to egg him on, theyd realize that

Thats everyday for me

To be less pedantic than Manatee, yes, its kind of a douchey, evasive response to an honest question. If he were to say that he's really into zydeco/swamp pop right now, that would be a really interesting answer. If he went into detail about liking one Van Morrison song he remembered from kareoke, thats not really

Wouldnt Seth Rogen as Rowlf be some kind of Muppet blackface? I always thought of Rowlf being kind of black. Hey, theres a topic! What race/ethnicity do you associate with any of the individual Muppets?

Its still early yet, whataworkout. I'm interested in finding out what were those "slurs" he was shouting. That could seriously up the ante.

This interview could have just been shortened to, "Hey, why do you suck so much?" Seriously, every question was just an attempt to politely tell the kid that he should be ashamed of himself. Why even conduct this interview in the first place?

C'mon on, guys. He clearly likes old country, old jazz, old rap, AND being offended. He's just likes what everyother white person likes.

For being so piss-poor, they sure did spend a lot on Halloween. Hell, even a mediocre gorilla costume runs you a good 60 bucks. That Marie Antoinette get up had to be few hundred.

I remember feeling really bad for Dwight and kinda pissed at Jim and Pam when they tricked him into believing it was a Friday, thus ending his perfect attendance streak.

Yeah, you and 8 million other losers who thinks political costumes are funny. Unless you're going as the Dead Presidents from Point Break, political costumes are never cool.

I'm going as the Seventh Imam

I Cant Wait
For Denis Leary's Essential Collection to come out in two weeks!

Just search for "cat lady," and you'll exactly what the mask is supposed to be based on.

I take it you havent seen Fatal Attractions. As the name implies, its a show about people who were mauld to death by their exotic pets. Also, that Snickers commercial is so horrifying that I CANT change the channel, and I'm slightly impressed at the fine folks at Mars Incorporated.

Sketchy Santas was too edgy