otto mann empire

Is It Just Me
Or does "RevolutionMuslim.com" kinds sound a little fake? Is there any news source that has been able to confirm the existance of this group before this South Park curfuffle? How long has this site been up? I'm not saying that someone from South Park or Comedy Central invented the whole controversy as a

Hey, what happened to JK Simmons? Did he get deleted or something?

I was so hoping to see the Goth Kids. They need another episode centered around them.

You fold it you bought it!

Oh, you better believe its going to be the musical. What with Glee and all, how could Hollywood resist?

Miley Cyrus?

and the occasional issue of Crazy.

The al ighty ollar? AHA HA HA HA HA!

Oh, Simmons. You're the best part of The Closer.

Maybe Courtney doesnt know, but just ask Leonard Nimoy. Back in the day, they used ot go chasing tail together all the time.

I'll probably get draged to that one by my girlfriend. It at least seems somewhat more deserved than the other two projects.

More like Lost Girls by Lars Von Trier

Animal Collective? Grizzly Bear? Anal Cunt?

And let me just say, "may the Force be with you."

The Virus Spreads
Its inevitable that some version of Jersey Shore will reach LA, though our equivalent of guidos would probably have to be armos, and it will take place in Glendale.

Its not your fault

Its not your fault

Yeah, I did a "film" called "Massholes" in college. Theres no telling what a man on an ether binge is capable of.

Muhammad is Conan's new Masterbating Bear

Homer, we're out of vodka!