(yeah, I'm a big wuss)
(yeah, I'm a big wuss)
Nice try, Homer, but while it is true that eggs may raise cholesterol, it has not been proven conclusively that eggs raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.
Yeah, I think Zimmern said it was like a putrified onion custard and that it was the worst thing he ever ate. And that motherfucker eats rotting whale blubber, yak cock, and live octopus. But it is pretty aweful. My suggestion for next time is salted, hard-boiled duck eggs. That shit was the saltiest thing I've ever…
Agreed on Heaven's Gate. Very catchy and hooky.
That was Liz's!
Take him away, boys.
In Detriot we dont press charges against other cops.
Special agent Utah,this not some job flipping burgers at the local drive-in! Yes the surf board bothers me. Yes your approach to this whole god-damn case bothers me. And yes, YOU BOTHER ME!
Gary Busey was in a movie called Bullet Proof where he played a hard-ass cop named McBain, which preceded both the Simpsons and the Walken movie. Its actually a pretty hilarious Cold War pic, Busey has to stop some plot to invade the US through Mexico with Soviets, Cubans, Sandinistas, and I think even some Libyans…
Forget it Marge, its Chinatown!
No! Bad bees! Get away from my sugar! Ow! OWWW! Ow, they're defending themselves somehow!
Dad, sit down.
George C Scott
Give that man the $10,000!
@Often Posts- All those bands are terrible. I'm with you, Billy. Whitey just cant get the blues right. If white guys really want to express their inner pain through some musical Americana, theres always country. And Clapton's just as much a racist asshole as John Mayer.
I'm with you that Shonen stuff. As a positive rule, I'll see anything invloving Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli, whether intended for general audiences or strictly children, like Ponyo, and anything involving Shinichiro Watanabe. Speaking of Watanabe, what are the odds that the live action Cowboy Bebop is going to be terrible.…
But an island where evolution continued with dinosaurs sounds like it should include some kind of intelligent dino civilization. That sounds cool.
Its called No Michael BayS. We're allowed to have one.
@Warren- While you may be correct in stating that the Dawn remake has been the best horror remake since the Fly (and I think you're probably right), the huge gulf in quality between the Fly and Dawn remakes should tell Hollywood and moviegoers that a good horror remake is nearly impossible to produce.
Kinda Sounds Like The Dawn of the Dead Remake
Really cool, startling opener, starts to lose some steam but remains effectively competent, lacks Romero's sense of social commentary. Basically my feelings on the Dawn remake exactly. Probably a good pop-corn flick if you go to a cheap theatre.
I Didnt Even Know Smith Directed This
Seems strange, his name wasnt anywhere near the trailers or commercials or posters. Hell, Morgan didnt even mention anything about Smith on the Daily Show last night. Maybe Smith realized this was going to bad and decided to try and distance himself from it.