The Magnificent Sluggo

She smells like a pile of oats.

Have you ever been out of the house?

Man, his jorts must have been soaked.

Who has time to listen to all this shit?

Your blog stinks.

I finally found out what Lobsters looks like in real life:

Your Mom enjoys my one testicle

@avclub-17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a:disqus I imagine this is what you look like:

I love American Dad and I polish off a steak every night.

I rode your Mom like a wildebeast last night.

I gave your Mom the ol' heave ho last night.

I just want to scream at her boobies

He looks like he has down's sydnrome

I test drove your Mom last night. She handles like a charm.

Your moment has passed.

David Fincher can direct deez nuts.

Paul Rudd can suck my butticles.

Taco Bell had to take the Choco Taco off the menu because of Lena Dunham

Probably lesbos.

I'd bang the chick on the left.