The Magnificent Sluggo

Sorry, but the third acts of ALL Nolan's Batman films are "very well made generic super hero villian plot"

Sorry, but the third acts of ALL Nolan's Batman films are "very well made generic super hero villian plot"

Nielsen Rating: 200 million Dawes

Nielsen Rating: 200 million Dawes

Change "while" to "whilst". Now it's perfect.

Change "while" to "whilst". Now it's perfect.

Not the same without Chop Suey Specs

Not the same without Chop Suey Specs

You forgot his worst sin, Blue Velvet.

You forgot his worst sin, Blue Velvet.

If you look closely, you'll notice he's actually pointing towards something. Ebert, you dog.

If you look closely, you'll notice he's actually pointing towards something. Ebert, you dog.

Atlas Tugged…

Atlas Tugged…

I can't tell if this a gimmick or not, but either way I'm getting scared….

I can't tell if this a gimmick or not, but either way I'm getting scared….

Oh yay, another article that makes me feel old.

Oh yay, another article that makes me feel old.

I love the Baffler Meal episode that introduces prototypes of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force

I love the Baffler Meal episode that introduces prototypes of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force