The Magnificent Sluggo

It's not technically a Pixar movie, but it's sort of a prototype with a lot of the same guys who would later work on PIxar…….

Boy, someone's mad they didn't get first.

Douche chic….isn't that the new Diddy fragrance

Gotta admit…that girl with the bikini and jean shorts in the sidebar ad has almost persuaded me to watch this.

Have we determined who raped Lil' Wayne when he was but 11 years of age?

No kidding…just ask Willem Dafoe

The name and sunglasses weren't enough?



Pick your battles dude

Reading that Twitter "monologue" physically hurt.

2 questions:

Wait…that's not what it meant?

All these pasta sounding names start to blend together after awhile. Although the guy in the picture looks Mexican.

I thought you meant….
cults that worship one man………