
Gee, Sleepy Floyd's Nightmare, I…just don't kn0w about that. Poehler's been doing improv for a long-ass (asssscat?) time, and I haven't seen any evidence of her losing the funny. And as regards her SNL tenure, that atmosphere isn't all that conducive to her thing, I don't think.

This cast doing a semi-improvised show in the vein of Reno 911 would be top motherfucking notch.

I would lift Rashida Jones into the air, put her on my face like a Chinese acrobat balancing a chair, and not let her down until she admitted I was hotter than Krasinski. In other words, I'd never let her down.

I really like it when old people call it "that cocaine". Or when they say "the TV".

I've always thought of wrestling as analogous to the traveling theater troupes of the Dark Ages: a group of outsiders travels the land, doing pieces that the commoners are familiar with (in the case of WWE, the crowd is familiar with their favorite wrestler's story because of the televised Raw and Smackdown

Touche, bk. Touche.

I think what the people who argue against an AD movie are really arguing for is the wholeness of the series remaining within the TV series. I don't want a radio play, or a touring show, or a Broadway show, or whatever. Just let me watch Season 2 when I want, and get into new things as I get into them, thanks very

May have been making stupid movies recently, but here's what you do: go to the kitchen, unscrew the top of your salt shaker, take out a single grain of salt, put it in your mouth, watch the clip again.. Lazily riffing on being the "asshole holdout" isn't the same thing as actually being the asshole holdout.

Succeeded because the leads were so un-PC, and there's NO WAY mainstream TV is going to sign off on that. This show is probably going to be Absolutely Fail.

Leggy Blonde
Is my jam! A highlight of the series for me, especially when the guys' image is animated onto the copier paper. Massive.

Everyone, my apologies. "Dammit!" there should clearly have been placed on a line BELOW the ellipse. The joke doesn't even work: why would I make a regretful remark about a thing (misspelling "first") I could clearly change before I posted it? Again, a poor attempt on my part. Contact me at my home address for a


I'd rather
go to a poetry slam than watch Heroes. And I hate poetry slams. So! Much!

Bobb'e J. Thompson
is a boy who, I firmly believe, will be giving the viewing public high-quality entertainment for decades to come. If you haven't seen his Shutterbugs bit on Human Giant, see it and embrace it. Bobb'e J Thompson: Humanity's inevitable benevolent overlord.

@He-Man's Heterosexual Cousin

We must say NO
and HELL NO to this pap. I haven't been a teenage girl for quite some while (I'm a dude, go figure), but when I was I had the good taste to wish that Brandon Lee from The Crow would play shitty guitar on his rooftop for me (only for me!), instead of this FUCKING MOOK Pattinson. It's like scientist

wear a hoodie so they can't throw shit on your head. seriously. maybe a batting helmet.

Inexplicably long-running
I was bowled over by how long this turd has been on the air. What's odd to me is that shows like SNL and MADtv are only sporadically as a whole (take the whole run of SNL, for example, which has had wildly varying arcs of quality) whereas other ensemble sketch shows like The State or The

Guinea Pigs, bra?
I loved the wide shot of Randy dashing back and forth between the people in the store to get shots, that's good comedy. I think a big problem is that the live guinea pig/SP characters didn't interact enough. A guinea pig bites off a character's arm…and that's about all I remember, in terms of

@oh the irony