Terence Jenkins

Looking at things strictly on paper, Skinner has always made the most sense seeing as how he was the ONLY person tied to Linden's paranoia over the unsolved case throughout S1 and S2.

Thanks.  Now I'm imaging Casey Jones's mock-innocent "Whooooops!" (when he hits the trash compactor button to basically murder Shredder in the end of TMNT1) dubbed in after everytime he kills in S3.  My childhood!

It was the 'payoff' episode, we finally get a clear admission that Seward was there that night— but ultimately innocent.  After Bullet's Rosie-Larsen-like death hitting Holder hard, this one one-ups and goes for Linden's jugular (it's been her baby case since S2's "72 Hours" CLASSIC EPISODE— people saying to skip S1

I didn't see it as an excuse for Don's womanizing.  In fact as we see with his latest affair, he's the one who's been toyed with this time around, and in an effort to make sense of why he's fallen for the Doc's wife so hard he recalls the beauty mark of the pross who stole his virginity.  He said no as the boy Dick

Well geez two other totally un-Kennedy people died that the ad guys were personally linked to (Ted's friend and Beardo's brother) I think throwing in Kennedy assassination overtones on top would've killed the drug buzz.  Perhaps the drugs were taken precisely to avoid talking about the Kennedy assassination during the

Sally will be a goddess once she's 18, and pregnant when she's 18.5 no doubt

Nay, we are but Honkees alas and alack.

David Lynch would've loved this episode, and I daresay you might want to try thinking a bit more about your cinema/tv shows if you think he or LOST were just 'crazy bullshit' with no core story or motifs.  But really who cares what you think everyone you listed in a petty attempt to insult is more meritorious than you

I must be the only one who saw John Snow's hesitation at getting 'busy' with Ygritte as his acknowledgement that she reminds him of Cat Stark a little too much (opinionated redhead who clearly loves John, but nonetheless goes out of her way to mistreat him in public).  Which made the scene 210% hotter, of course.

@nowlo Also Kingslayer's grand epic about how he stabbed the Mad King in the back in a heroic act cast Ned Stark as the villain who spread lies about it being a cowardly assassination.  Ned was in like half the scenes of the episode (in spirit)

Oddly enough I find Cersei and Tyrion's family feud kinda cute.  It's obvious from the few heart-to-hearts they've had in rare scenes that they DO honestly love each other as brother and sister, and Tyrion definitely sympathizes with Cersei's struggles in being a slave to not only her loveless marriage, but now also

Lou Diamond Phillips is pretty dang awesome in this.

Lou Diamond Phillips is pretty dang awesome in this.

Bless you, The Killing.

Bless you, The Killing.

I love all the actresses and actors in this series, but I find myself routinely hating all the actual characters they portray.  It's hard to enjoy this series for me as a result, when we're supposed to get emotionally attached to such retards.

I love all the actresses and actors in this series, but I find myself routinely hating all the actual characters they portray.  It's hard to enjoy this series for me as a result, when we're supposed to get emotionally attached to such retards.

The fact that we now know what that child's drawing signifies is pretty damn chilling.  It was CLEARLY a threat against Linden (i.e. if you keep digging further into this thing your boy is gonna end up with a death mother just like THE ONE CASE), while simultaneously freaking Linden out over the horror of not only the

The fact that we now know what that child's drawing signifies is pretty damn chilling.  It was CLEARLY a threat against Linden (i.e. if you keep digging further into this thing your boy is gonna end up with a death mother just like THE ONE CASE), while simultaneously freaking Linden out over the horror of not only the

As per the Ausiello critique, I think it makes Rosie's birth daddy Suspect #1 in her death— he has motive if Rosie were trying to out him as her father for some reason.  And I agree that it makes no sense that this guy wouldn't have heard about her death by now, but it's plausable deniability if he were to ever come