
I wholeheartedly agree, but which clone would be nominated is the bigger question. Sarah because she's (essentially) the lead? Fan-faves Alison or Helena? Or should Tatiana just be nominated like 8 times? I'd be down for that.

The nods to both Ozymandias and Felina kind of pulled me in that direction of thinking, but maybe it's just me being surrounded by friends who believe Vince Gilligan is the only human alive making good television. Hannibal should've at least gotten cinematography or art direction if they couldn't go for acting.

The fact that Hannibal didn't get anything is sad enough, but yet another Tatiana Maslany snub is downright infuriating. I know this year is mostly likely going to be Breaking Bad Mops the Floor (understandably so) but even a little recognition of two really solid dramas would be nice.

I blazed through Gone Girl in preparation for the Fincher film and on a friend's recommendation, and I really enjoyed it. I had low expectations going in but it really impressed me for a book that everyone and their mother was telling me to read. I'm excited for the film and will definitely consider reading more