Simon CR

Doesn't mention the enormous stylistic debt this series owes to Soderbergh's Traffic - itself a remake of a European TV series transposed to the world of Mexico/US.

the lack of nomination for Maslany for Orphan Black makes these awards irrelevant, anyone who doesn't agree with that doesn't understand what acting is, let alone what makes great television.

Some great recommendations there - I'd like to add a little British number called The Shadow Line - that and Broadchurch are the only exceptions to the idea that we can't contemporary drama anymore

know exactly what you mean about Pine Barrens, but for a tiny second when they mentioned it I thought it was an x-files episode!

know exactly what you mean about Pine Barrens, but for a tiny second when they mentioned it I thought it was an x-files episode!

Good bye "Luck" it's a damn shame. Much as I admire the decision to cancel to prevent further loss of equine life, the irony is that if there was ever a show to leave you in awe and wonder of horses, this was it. Some of the best set-piece scenes in any show anywhere ever; Dustin Hoffman's best acting in at least a

The answer to the patience question is this simple: I didn't start out impatient, but marketing is global and instant, so why isn't product availability?