Venusian Aikido Master

Saul is like a less sociopathic Joker - he likes loud suits, he likes talking his way into and out of things, and any physical confrontations against him are EXTREMELY one-sided.

Also, I'm glad the Doctor's absolutely hilarious, wonderful period costume in this gets a nod in the write-up, it's almost my favourite part of the serial!

"A lot of First Doctor stories, I think, make just a little bit more
sense if you assume that the Doctor is more or less contstantly lying
about how well he can steer the TARDIS and what his actual motivation
for landing somewhere might be. It’s not a big stretch, considering that
even when he’s acting the hero,


I live in Ireland, and can tell you all these are POSH Irish people. Just in case you guys were wondering.

I basically love any serial where William Hartnell dresses like this all the way through:

I like the opening credits but yes they are WAAAY too long, after a few episodes I just skipped a full minute and a half (!) in to start the episode rather than wait it out each time.

I had to Google it to be sure when she first appeared.

It's got a several full episodes, and two animated episodes using the original audios. Really cool, actually.

You have quite the apt username, sir - I don't remember expressing  shock.

Really like the upcoming serials - maybe Scream of the Shalka, because of it's upcoming release on DVD???

I also hated that particular version of the Master, I wish Derek Jacobi had been allowed to do the role properly.

Uncomfortable moment, the Brigadier and his mates agreeing that the Chinese diplomat is "QUITE the dolly"!

Also, I love wrestling and I'd totally be in favour of a regular feature covering RAW at least.

*pushes up glasses*

The Mind of Evil doesn't take place in an intergalactic prison?

I think you'd get a great write-up out of The Happiness Patrol as well.

Suggestions for future serials - Inferno,mayhaps?

Great to have you back!