
Twin Beaks.

Time to Google "Manhole 69."

I think you might be right that they were willing servants. Even if they had been enslaved, I don't think I would've had much sympathy for them due to their giant-centipede nature.

yes. this.

I never had any qualms about Taxxons dying, but I always felt for the poor Hork Bajir.


Welcome to the Dead House (and maybe the first 5-10 Goosebumps) are a cut above anything that came after. "Girl Who Cried Monster," "Monster Blood," "Haunted Mask," etc. can't really be compared to "Egg Monsters from Mars" or "It Came From Beneath the Sink."

I definitely had the hots for Cassie, in no small part because I wanted to be Jake.

I also trailed off somewhere between 12-19. Not only did the stories get repetitive—the books shot from .99 to like 3.99 in the Scholastic book orders. I bought book one specifically because it was .99 and looked cool enough to drop a buck on.

No kidding. That wasn't Minnesota. That was India by way of Scotland. The classic upper Midwest long 'o' sound doesn't have a lilt—it's more of a drawn out groan-like sound.

The John Cale version is still my favorite. It's not nearly as melodramatic and cloying as Buckley's version. Cale's lyrical contributions (notably the "there was a time you let me know" verse) fit the spirit of the song well and flesh out Cohen's excellent original.

Actually, all UB40 songs were written and recorded by Bob Marley. Napster told me so.

He has a name.

Yeah, I was sure that they had forgotten it. Saved it for last.

I grew up a Brewer fan, but was also a huge Cecil Fielder fan. Cecil had a good year in about 1992. My brothers always made fun of me for liking him. I once tried defending myself by repeating something I had heard on the radio.

I can see how he made the mix-up with Coop, especially since Fielder began his career with the Jays, another team with garish light blue 80s uniforms.

My first concert was my dad and his friend dragging my brothers and I to an Emmylou show in Duluth, MN. All I remember is that the red faux-velvet seats were very uncomfortable.

Speaking of the A's, what is Malkmus talking about when he says the A's have drab uniforms? Especially in the era he is referencing—they were one of the first flashy uniform teams.

Giannis is our savior. Reading his blog posts has been one of the brighter parts of this harsh winter.

My older brother had a copy of bacdafucup. That's how an 8 year old me learned the phrase, "move back motherfucker."