
Here is some of the rooms that appeared in the episode.

Am I the only one that felt this season was mostly mediocre? Most of the muscleman episodes this season felt mediocre and along with most of the episodes just bland. This episode had potential to be good especially with the continuity with Death but the whole ending just did not feel right. I guess it is because

How many people died onscreen in this show?

Jesse Moynihan browses /co/ frequently and sometimes does a short Q/A on the talk back threads mostly for his episodes. Steve Wolfhard also browses 4chan but much less often.

Apparently the episode is more broad then religion vs science but rather is somewhat of a broad social commentary of Jesse Mon's observation of humans according to what he said on 4chan.

The thing about FP at least is that she is great if used for dungeon crawls. It would be fun to watch Finn and FP fight in a real dungeon unlike the dungeon we saw in VOB. It is too bad that she was only used once this season but at least it was the first time she was used right.