
yes, but Louis C.k. does it not as a dick joke, but within the broader context of male/female relationships and his own life as it relates to women.

it is the female equivalent of the dick joke - it demonstrates a certain amount of laziness and merely used to get a laugh that is a defense mechanism, rather than a laugh that is a result of something actually funny.

Kudos sir!

Wow. I wish I was a hipster chick and be all like Whatever…..

Two irrelevant artists enter, nobody cares if they leave…..

What?!? no Disaster Area from Restaurant at the End of the Universe?!?!

Ten bucks  the Smails kid picks his nose

We stop there because the topic is the death of peoples at the hands of the Nazis in their camps and by other means (other than actual warfare).  Therefore it is not 6 million but 12 million.

6 million did not die, 12 million died.  What? the other 6 million do not count?

Half a person by the Smiths

Thanks for the reply….very good for 826…keep up the good work…

They could make it better by, I don't know, having it in a larger space….just throwing out that crazy idea….

I made the stupid assumption that when I selected quantity "1" and it told me that there were none available at that quantity that it was already sold out.  However, it didn't say "sold out".  Now it does say sold out.

which is complete bullshit….

really, sold out in 7 minutes? nice…..

Listen, and understand. That Music is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are rockin.

and he attended my High School. St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago….

Children of Men:  "a living anachronism, a mangy, well-baked relic of the 1960s"  - yeah, I don't think so.  If you actually saw the movie he looked about 60.  do the math and he may have been born in 1960, but the music he listens to, sounds like death metal or speed punk so I put him as a child of the mid-80s.


its funny because it represents the decline of civilization