
This was absolutely awful.

Does Scott not know anything about blood spatter? Has he never watched a TV show? That spanner did not have near the amount of blood on it to have been the murder weapon. Especially not in the way Theo described it.

They weren't really conducting any human sacrifices though. The Lieutenant just used tht to plant the bodies of the missing kids. Killing two birs with one stone. And I also assume tht's why he killed the woman, so she couldn't contradict his story…that's what I got from that anyway

This show is crazy and I love it.

Why was Abbie holding her gun to Abraham's head? He's the headless horseman, his head isn't really there. Or is it? He didn't seem all that bothered by the gun.

Ah. So it's the comic that's clever. I never read them. Still amusing though.

The Sherwood florist bit amused me. Because Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood? I'm just gonna go now

The Ichabod rescue ambulance had Winchester on it. I don't know if anyone else noticed. Take from that what you will…

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. This show makes me sad.

I really can't watch this show while I eat any more.

Snow White the bridezilla

Is Matt Donovan even still on this show? Or is Aaron his blonde, originally clueless, eventually clued-in replacement?

No Laurel. Didn't notice.

Is this show a comedy? A farce? I sure seem to laugh a lot when it's on.

Now shipping Jewels and Tommy. I don't even know what's wrong with me.

Barbie specifically said non-nuclear.

Lady cop is stupid and does stupid things.

Louis Litt is this show's red headed stepchild. I mean, show the man some love.

Less of Emily please! She only has two facial expressions:
1) Kind of pissed off but cute
2) Constipated but cute
and this last episode, she was constipated all through.

Mo Mona Mo Problems.