snipe hunter

and got us involved in a third war…

and another one falls for it….

Hee hee, he's going back for more!

I'm in the other camp.  I've seen a fair amount of Nick Swarsdon and I just don't think he's funny.  His show was painfully unfunny.

For geeks you guys are disappointing.  The music that plays when they all transform and go into battle is the Battle of the Planets theme:

Zoltar?  Zoltar was Battle of the Planets, not Voltron.  Voltron's enemy was Prince Lotor.  Here's my lunch money.

The "Aaaaah!" thing along with the multiple reaction shots in little rectangles is spot on. 
"We must defeat these Bone Jelly Ghosts!"

"[T]here is a minority of intellectual pacifists whose real though unadmitted motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration for totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writings of younger intellectual

Homage to Catalonia was written 1938, 1984 was written in 1949, a year before he died.  If he changed his opinions during his lfe, 1984 and the abuse of political language would be the latest, and Homage was much earlier.  Alot changed between 1938 and 1949.
"There are other ideas he held that he never did reconsider

"unreconstructed attitude" is an Orwellian term.  In every way.  It's a slippery term.   It means, in plain English, "I believed this".  When you're unreconstructed, it means, "I disavow everything I said before, and I now I follow the political orthodoxy of the day "

But see, this is what the book is talking about.  People on the left and right choose specific items.  If it suits your political views, quote away, if it doesn't, start saying how it's "complicated" and if Orwell was alive today….Orwell was a socialist and a leftist in his time, but he deeply disagreed with almost

If you want to pick certain beliefs and use that to say he was conservative, there's that, and his general feeling that pacifists were cowards, his stances against birth control, feminism, and homosexuality.  "He routinely equated decency with masculinity and masculinity with virility and physical toughness. He

Ha, yeah, good point.  It's what you would call "uneven" coverage.

Well she sure wakes my Beast Be…ah, forget it

It's like 9/11, everything changed on 8/23!

I've only seen one episode of it ever and it was because I was flipping around and saw her.  Something about a giant space whale or something, I don't know.  Now, hot space redhead is another story.

It is pretty poor literary coverage.  Which is sad, because there's some pretty good coverage of serious films.  If you've ever read more than ten books in your life you either went through the Beat/Bukowski period or read a little of it and moved on. 
But now that they've covered Bukowski, Vonnegut, and the Beats, we

Never knew David Cross up there was a Beat poet.

I replied to Vivisfugue up there and it shows up at the end?
Also editing doesn't work for me.  Love the new system.  Love it. 

Rabin: "They show Beaver in Playboy, don't they…?"