Clarence Carter Aww Shit Clare

is it wrong
is it wrong that when i saw the headline, i thought that the one guy finally died of cancer? probably not.

thank you

i always just assumed it was silver spraypaint. good to know!

"robocop blowjob"
one of the funniest lines ever. What is it with silver — when Charlie huffs on It's Always Sunny (Day Man ep), it's silver too. Is it the best for huffing? Can anyone confirm or deny this?

my mother-in-law watches it, and then tells me & my wife about it as if we watched it also. in some ways it's better than watching it, in many ways, it's worse

thank you, because i really hate when i have to sit through them talking about sex

"I have never seen a terrible writer so in love with her own writing."

no no, not me. those poor saps who were in AP did. I flunked out of honors English during the riveting Scarlet Letter sophomore year and then aced the mid-level English classes for the rest of my high school career. I have never regretted getting that F- on my Scarlet Letter paper.

Hmm, agreed, but if we set the bar high, wouldn't a lot of kids strive to meet that?

god-damnit, clarence carter

Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death
thank you, Nathan, for putting this on the list. I had to read this for a Mass Media & Society class in college and it's a great jumping-off point for media literacy. While his anti-television rhetoric didn't always resonate with me (I do consume it), it opened my eyes to a LOT of