
Interesting choice of words with "like-minded." I'm thinking shit's going to get real "like-minded" here, real fast. More so than normal, even!

Daaamn! Look who's bein' a dick about TERMS!

Reminds me a lot of Ray Smuckles and his campaign for mayor, for good and maybe a tiny bit for ill.

You know what movie passes the Bechdel Test?

I don't hate Chuck Klostermann. I don't know Chuck Klostermann. I sort of get the feeling, from his writing, that I would not like Chuck Klostermann in person, but I don't know for sure and it's beside the point anyway.

Also thank god for Mark Ames!

Are you people going to interview this lame every time he does anything? Jesus. For what it's worth, whenever I think the AV Club has written something dumb, I can say to myself "at least it's not Klostermann dumb."

Like these. Continue.

Fake Gallagher's got some some moves! Did it take a lot of research? That must have been harrowing research.

Hey, man. Bad day dude's opinions are not mine. I appreciated the compliments and did not feel patronized.

I think banality and stupidity are connected. Not always, but often enough, especially now, for whatever reason (I have my ideas but I'll spare you). I don't actually think McArdle could put together a budget for anything other than a blogging enterprise or an Upper West Side (aw, let's be nice and give her the Upper

There's a lot I hate! As far as what I'm on record as hating here, it's mostly market-worshippers. That connects Von Hayek, Brooks, McArdle and, in his way, Spencer. There are a variety of reasons to hate market-worshippers more than old-school conservatives of the Evelyn Waugh mode. On a general level,

Oh yeah, and also high-five back to Billy Madison. Can't leave a bro hanging, especially a bro with a Boosh icon.

Douthat… says stupid things but from an interesting place. I know all about that kind of nerdiness… McArdle, feh. Herbert Spencer with an iPod and a tenth of the education and a huge amount of the people's money (her daddy was a construction magnate in NYC with government contracts aplenty, and went through the

Ah, The Road to Serfdom… in the history of man's wildly inaccurate attempts to predict the future, that one ranks, well, somewhere in the middle in terms of how wildly inaccurate it proved to be, and somewhere in the top ranks for undeserved smugness.

Oh, right, I forgot about the bit where you asked me what I thought were some good examples of the genres in question. I mostly forgot because it was a stupid and irrelevant thing to ask. Do you really think I'm not able to come up with memoirs and criticism I like? I'd recommend some to you but that'd be a waste

Ok. One more time for the cheap seats.

I'm angered because it's a cop out. Because it IS criticism (rock album criticism isn't the only form of criticism that exists, my fellow Fat Dude; there is such a thing as cultural criticism as a broader quality and winks, nods, personal asides and all, "What Ever Happened To Alternative Nation" qualifies) and it IS

@enkidum: The whole thing was predictable and trite, including a lot of the defenses thrown up (though where they got the idea I'm some kind of right winger, I'm still at a loss to know). It was that way due to a pervasive problem among the clever young of nowadays, which is a lack of commitment to what they say. Why

Of course my argument insists upon itself. That's what arguments are for. Your argument that my argument insists upon itself insists upon itself. What's your point?