White Dragon

The show needs more Oscar, he has some major comedic chops that the show refuses to showcase.

Number One Shirling Fan
I have read the feature and all of the comments so far. Is the movie ruined for me?

You people are retarded.
Nader did not ruin the election for Gore. You know what the spoiler was?

Thanks Fight Club for ruining the song "Where is My Mind?" by the Pixies.

State of Network TV
Fringe represents everything that's wrong with network tv right now. I didn't watch the whole episode because I couldn't will myself to do it.
Yes, it's a blatant X-Files rip-off.
Yes, it's by JJ, but who gives a duece.

State of Network TV
Fringe represents everything that's wrong with network tv right now. I didn't watch the whole episode because I couldn't will myself to do it.
Yes, it's a blatant X-Files rip-off.
Yes, it's by JJ, but who gives a duece.

Br0-ham, the best thing about Fx is they play their episodes like five times before the next one. So you don't have an excuse to miss it.

Don't Forget…
Three Amigos for the list or is that movie too old?

This movie
I"m not trying to play the hater, but I'm tired of hearing about and reading about American Movie. The movie was already featured in the "Outsider Movie" feature.

Always do your research before you ask a question, not after.
According to BobandDavid.com, Bob and David lost interest in "David's Situation" because they thought the sitcom element would be too limiting. However, Bob said they were up to creating another show.

Whatever happened to that new David Cross and Bob Odenkirk show, "David's Situation"?

Helen Mirren is So Hot!!!!
I was also hoping the Club would mention Ms. TIngle during Jeffrey Tambor's Radom Roles.

Always use a rubber while sleeping with someone who has a tattoo
Hey, how about the math teacher who has the pi symbol tat.

FIght Club
Fight Club is a jock movie. YOu know the type of jock I'm talking about.

Who does this ZMF bro-brah or bro-ette think he or she is? I think its a dude.
What, I ain't gonna recognize shit.
He just posts a comment and everyone starts ridin' his dick likes its a carnival ride?
"OOOOOHHHH, is that really you Zodiac? Can I suck you off?"
"Can I write in all caps like you…

music is for pussies.

Man, talk about the most over-rated and most over-hyped book in ages. Did not float my boat at all.

Question for Scott
Scott, do you have a master list of movies that you wanted to include that you made before you started or are you deciding on movies as you go along?

"I've seen Showgirls many times now, and I still don't know what to think, other than whatever the hell it is, it's a pleasure to sit through"

Opposite for me, I was expecting some tittie, but the lap dance seen made my jaw drop.
Elizabeth Berkeley was a gamer doing that.