
@avclub-8f861a68d4d8f8ba0125e0a1a658b9c7:disqus Charlie isn't a virgin. He had sex with Rosie Taft (a bunch of times) and that woman from "Charlie Wants an Abortion."

That's an intense black guy.

Modern Family has always been really boring, I can't believe they beat 30 Rock for best comedy at the Emmy's.

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus  I still crack up every time I think of Maaaaantis Toboggan.

I know a girl who got roped in by the CutCo scam. They are ruthless. She later got a job working for PIRG, which also targets naive college kids for horrible, horrible jobs.

Like every Veronica Mars fan, I had to buy "I Hear the Bells" as soon as I saw the episode. Great, great song.

You consider "Fringe" more mature television? You've got a ways to go kid.

Alona Tal is a good actress though. Amazing that she doesn't seem any older than she did in 2006.

I thought Kendrick's motives were pretty clear. His crew kills warlords/dictators that the CIA protects because they serve their interests.

I thought Maddy's death was totally contrived too. How many times did they do the "escape from a surrounded house using some MacGyvered explosion" plot over the course of this series? 50, 60 times? But it's the last episode, and coincidentally the ONLY time they can't escape from this scenario?

I never thought Futurama would end with a reference to Neitzsche's concept of the Eternal Return.

I'll probably get hate for saying this but I think Anna Gunn is probably the weakest actor on the show. She isn't terrible but she just pales in comparison to everyone else.

White people, having fun. Total domination over everyone.

Made me think of RAP, the Musical from Mr. Show:

Eminem is very good and 50 cent isn't bad. I never heard Queen Latifah rap.

It seems like he isn't worried because everything is about to come to a head.

he makes his lower-case "r" as just a smaller version of the uppercase R.

It's several months later. Only a few months pass between the first and last episodes of the last run of episodes.

I would unironically like to read Stephen Bowie's rationale for claiming Weeds makes Breaking Bad redundant. This could answer important questions, like "Has Stephen Bowie ever watched Weeds?" and "Is Stephen Bowie insane?"

Jane was never a manic pixie dream girl. Do you even know what words mean?