Bearer Limit

Well, his work as a French Stewart impersonator only takes up so much time.

Dany's trip to the House of the Undying showed Westeros celebrating for a Mummer's paper dragon (Varys' fake Targaryen), so Young Griff is probably an imposter. iirc it was also the House of the Undying that showed Rhaegar holding his son with Elia of Dorne and saying that he was the PtwP, but he is dead now. Rhaegar

@avclub-716ae7fe3527f61af3b2a2bf7d9e6ed0:disqus Actually it's implied she knows Stannis isn't Azor Ahai reborn and is casting a spell to make it look like his sword is Lightbringer - it glows but it doesn't emit heat. Why she would do this hasn't been explained yet. I think she was either blindly following the

 There is only one real prophecy - 'Azor Ahai reborn'/'the Prince that was
Promised' saving Westeros from The Long Night come again (White Walkers).

I think it has happened in the books, Dany's eggs were fossilised and she woke the dragons from the stone. There was even the burning of King's blood involved (if you define a King as someone who is a leader/has a large following, being a Khal should count.)

or a latter Public Enemy album title, Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age.

In this episode The Doctor had to go “to Trenzalore”
“2-recurring circumstances-are-part of the mythology”
It refers to Clara’s two deaths!

So, which is worse, Rory's "Because I love you, you idiot!" or Dean's "Because I'll kill you, you idiot!"? Has Napoleon Dynamite ruined the word in a serious context or did it always sound stupid?

Their sigil: The Twin Glasses of Milk.

It didn't happen in the books, but he did wish him dead just for being boring company and his immediate reaction after his death was to take his clothes, so it's not the biggest departure they've made. Anyway killing is always Jaime's go-to move.

I know caring about consistency within Gilmore Girls is a fool's game (there are often two Fridays in one week), but still… this always annoys me too! Moreso because Rachel asks Lorelai if she wears contacts because of how her eyes look. Contacts don't make your eyes look any different, so the whole thing is a

I think Varys knew Jorah wouldn't let Dany die. If IRC in the books Jorah says that the letter he got at the market warned him of a possible assassination and in the series he gets his pardon before Dany drinks the wine, both of which imply that Jorah is being given time to save her.
Either Dany's resemblance to

I don't think she was. The girl giving Troy awards looks a bit like her, but I think that was Alix Elizabeth Gitter (I got her name from imdb).

In the Jeff/Britta flashback you can see that Annie won Greendale citizen of the Month 7 times in a row from the plaques in the background.

I also think it shows what Lorelai could have been like if she'd grown up with a non-family support system like Lane did; Lorelai and Rory, as adult Lane is less bitter towards her mother, and less in favour of cutting her out of her life, than Lorelai was towards Emily.

I agree, the three leads were exceptional characters. Laura was basically April Ludgate a decade before Parks & Rec and Dr. Katz and Ben have one of the best father-son relationships on TV.

Jackson running away is a brilliant piece of physical comedy; the attempted tip of his hat, the lack of an excuse, the straight arms.

If you're sure you want SPOILERS.
Theon is in the Dreadfort being tortured by the Bastard of Bolton, Ramsay Snow. This story line is replacing the part in A Clash of Kings when Ramsay pretended to be Reek.

The Seven colours of the rainbow goes with the seven gods motif. Renly's displays of piety were used a lot as metaphors/innuendos for homosexuality; going off to pray with Loras.