
My ex works in advertising (a big agency in London) and once told me that "nothing is unintentional in advertising". After seeing some creatives at work there, I can agree, everything is overthought and worried about, both by the agency and the client.

You can see a small clip of these inside courtroom scenes in this TGW promo video explaining Will's exit, it features Matthew Goode pulling a shot Will over to behind his desk. They look great, and I would love to see those scenes too, even though I thought seeing it unfold from Diane and Kalinda's perspective was

My top 5 of the year:

The excellent casting of Burn Gorman also probably has something to do with him and Charlie being buddy scientists in Pacific Rim this year.

I loved Hunted, on BBC One (and Cinemax) recently.  It felt more BBC Two-ish, with it's slowish plot and more nuanced edge (compared to programmes like Spooks etc), but I thought it was pretty great.

ADAM SCOTT: There would also have to be a tiny camera in the butt to see the farts.
SCOTT AUKERMAN: Is that the proudest you’ve ever been of a sentence you uttered?

@avclub-c715b7f9c127a03df75863d57da84c6c:disqus The fact you called it 'The liverpool fc' shows that you're not from Britain, so maybe don't claim to know about what people in Liverpool think of her.

I interviewed him for our university tv thing and he is the coolest guy ever.  He asked if I knew anywhere he could buy weed.  I was embarrassed because I knew I'd look like a total loser when I said "no, sorry".  I also was more in awe of his presence than anyone should be.  I need more information of the Juana

Nice to see a lot of love for Ikey.  Saw/met him a few months ago here in England playing with Crystal Antlers, and he was phenomenal, he blew us all away.

It was staged because they needed Logan to be found innocent.  If Juliet's case was too strong then he might have gone to jail/not got the settlement, so they needed to undermine Juliet's case in every way possible.  I think.  Actually, does it even matter on this show?  Also, it got a 0.3 this week (the same as a

This might have been said before, but The Todd Glass Show needs to be reviewed.  It's on the Nerdist network, and it's ridiculously funny (Chelsea Peretti doing home shopping demonstrations endlessly, and Anthony Jeselnik's al qaeda kidnapping news story are two recent highlights)

Oliver, seeing as this is the last DC new 52 rundown, will it be integrated in to the Superhero & mainstream comics article?  I am interested to know your opinions month to month.  My current DC pull list: Animal Man, Batwing, Resurrection Man, Birds Of Prey, Teen titans, flash, Voodoo and then Thunder Agents and