
No. He's fictional.

Well now I know what that Japandroids song is referencing.

Well now I know what that Japandroids song is referencing.

Holy crap, the singer looks 14 without the beard

Holy crap, the singer looks 14 without the beard

It wasn't, but Running Wilde represented a dramatic shift in the way Hurwitz tried to tell his stories. And it blew. Harmon's plan is very similar - to broaden his style, to make it much easier to follow - by dramatically shifting the style. I love Harmon, and I'm sure I'll tune in if this ever pans out, but I'm wary.

It wasn't, but Running Wilde represented a dramatic shift in the way Hurwitz tried to tell his stories. And it blew. Harmon's plan is very similar - to broaden his style, to make it much easier to follow - by dramatically shifting the style. I love Harmon, and I'm sure I'll tune in if this ever pans out, but I'm wary.

A multi-camera comedy? Aimed at a broader audience? I really don't want this to be another Hurwitz/Running Wilde situation, but that's what it sounds like.

A multi-camera comedy? Aimed at a broader audience? I really don't want this to be another Hurwitz/Running Wilde situation, but that's what it sounds like.

Sorta relevant. The New Yorker recently ran a piece about how accurate the science and the meth trade are depicted in Breaking Bad. Essentially, according to the article, the only stretch is that Gus's super lab was stateside, not in Mexico. http://www.newyorker.com/on…

Sorta relevant. The New Yorker recently ran a piece about how accurate the science and the meth trade are depicted in Breaking Bad. Essentially, according to the article, the only stretch is that Gus's super lab was stateside, not in Mexico. http://www.newyorker.com/on…

Rome and the internet aren't fine by you?

It wasn't the best parody South Park's done, but Jesus and jacking it in San Diego were hysterical. Best of the short season so far. A-

He got pretty seriously sick - check out a lot of the lyrics from The Age of Adz. I'm pretty sure that's what slowed the state-themed albums. Either that or he couldn't do justice to saluting Snooki and the Situation so he just called it a day.

As a junior, drunk, idiot journalism major, many of the obits are written prior to the death.