
Bill went splooge, at least. But, he could have played the bucket game weeks ago and accomplished the same thing. Just awful. Shame on you and your houses, True Blood people. SHAME.

*Family Guy barber shop quartet dances into Bill's bathroom and serenades him with "you've got the AIDS."* fin

Peggy's phone call really nipped Ginsburg's mental illness in the bud.

Forgive me. I have screwed the cannibalistic, grammatical pooch.

I heard the belt buckle. *cringe

"You, yes, you there. You have played shenanigans on the incorrect group of post-apocalyptic ladies and gentlemen!"
*Rick straightens his monocle resolutely

Why does Rust call one of the detectives "company man"? Is the young one in on the conspiracy and something he said tipped Rust off?

Why is Ivy always surprised when Daisy lashes out at her over Alfred?? Sheesh, get the hint, girl! Daisy is mad because Alfred likes you, but you didn't like Alfred, so now that you like Alfred, it infuriates Daisy even more because he's gone and it's all your silly little fault, you Ivy girl, you! Just, why the

When Gillingham said "I know Matthew fills your brain," I heard "I know Matthew feels your brain," and, hence, mental train wreck 'splosion of whaaaaaaaaaa? Couldn't have been just me, right . . .

Cordelia is the next supreme, people.

And they still have eyes. The eyes should rot first, one would think. But, hey, it would suck for one guy to have to go through and CGI out all the zombie eyes in every episode.

This episode should have gotten an A. Michonne's reveal that she lost a child. COMPELLING! And there doesn't always have to be some "monster of the week" big bad like the Governor out there all the time for this to be a good show. This episode had a lot going on that the reviewer totally missed, IMO.

Yeah, I guess they don't sell any brown hair dye in Miami …

My favorite voice over — "I know that Vogel left this key here. See? See it here? Yep, got it." Thanks for that explanation, Dex. No way that scene would have worked without it.