
Creed sued for sucking.

Yes, please.
As long as we can leave out the Rambaldi-type bullshit, I'm in.

My crush on Adam Scott started when he was Mr. Rooks on VMars. I'm not sure what that says about me.

Death Proof, hands down. I absolutely love hanging out with these characters. I think the reason people hated it so much was because they were expecting something different than what the film delivered.

Cole was great, too. Lucy was not, though. She was just a younger version of Elliot. They could have had a stronger lead for the show.

Actually, I thought the reboot-sans-Braff was great. They took the most annoying character out of the equation, and suddenly I liked the show again.

I realize this is a late response. I don't monitor every single thread I write in. But on the off-chance any of you do, here you go.

We're not all ignorant caricatures. Or polygamists.

I love Adam Brody, with or without the eyeliner. He was a shining beacon of enjoyment in Cop Out.

If nothing else…
It will be interesting to see which song gets picked last.


Arial Black Comedies
If a movie poster has a photo of the cast on a white background, with the title in big Arial Black font (usually in either red or black), I refuse to see it. It's just indicative of laziness to me. ANYONE can copy/paste the press photos on a white background. If they can't be bothered to find

I would love to see A Wrinkle in Time get adapted… in theory. I'm not sure how you could do it in only two hours. And it's kind of terrifying for a children's movie.

I actually bought "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed, Too" last year for a dollar, and was pleasantly surprised at just how good it is. If you like "You Get What You Give," I highly recommend the whole album. It's my special little nineties gem.

I had always heard that Joss Whedon was a big Widespread Panic fan, and that's why the stickers and posters are everywhere.

I feel bad for Steve. We already lost Sean O'Neal, who (if I recall) had begged to be taken off the Heroes blog.

I loved the callback to some of Ted's exes, especially finding out Blah Blah was committed. But which one is Natalie?

Back to the Future.

My Favorite Part
was when the voiceover notes that it is "a Paul AnDREson" film, and he over pronounces it so you can't accidentally think it's Paul Thomas Anderson. As though anyone was going to assume that.

The Last Mimzy, maybe? I appreciated that movie a lot for not dumbing things down, obvious product placement aside.