
The 2015 Netflix series "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp" is a continuation of the 2001 film "Wet Hot American Summer." The two share several of the same actors who play the same characters.

Wait, that was supposed to be a parody of Reagan? Are you sure?

Great news! Matt Ryan was easily the best part of the show.

Chicago, catch a free advance preview of Fox’s desperate attempts at turning all that Internet '90s nostalgia into a profit

I don't know if I would call verbal spats with Matt Lauer a "power," but to each his own, I guess.

"Can you see out of it? Does it change colors when you're ticked off?"
"You tell me."

"Surely you children are aware of your Brahman heritage?"
"As long as you have absolutely no follow-up questions, yes. Yes, we are."
"Fully. We have to go now."

The A.V. Club
Don't get me started on lotus flowers!

All right, I'm in.


His "Newman vs. Godzilla" poster from last year killed me.

I was really hoping his assholery last night would do him in, but it looks like it's feeding his supporters' persecution complex even more.

Like all things in comics, it depends on the writer.

His career as a director is surely facing Richards.

Oh, good, this will definitely make him more employable.

I wonder if that was the plan the whole time. Make a decent profit, but nothing to suggest a sequel is imminent. Sell the rights back at a hefty price, thereby securing additional profit for basically doing nothing additional.

The lack of any set photos to come out during filming was a big clue that everything would take place indoors. If Fox really wanted this thing to succeed, they royally fucked up the year-long process of generating hype that's basically required of all superhero movies.

Eh, Sony had release dates for ASMs 3 and 4.

Doom disapproves!

Are you saying that Tim Blake Nelson isn't gritty?