
Oh, a wise guy, eh, O'Neal?
*hits O'Neal on top of head with mallet*
*O'Neal dies from severe cerebral contusion*

Civil War is basically MCU: The Movie. If Thanos and Erik Selvig stop by, it'll have a major character/actor from every single movie.


Thunderbolt Ross is such a random character to bring back, considering Marvel has been pretty content to pretend that movie never happened*.

How does he keep up with the news like that?

I bet this came up elsewhere, but yay, Agent Carter!

Elaborate, please.

"It all started with a badly-timed bald joke."

Has this been confirmed by anyone involved? The CBS honcho has said there's little chance of a direct crossover.

You know what I mean.

The nose was overkill. She sounds like she has a cold.

Yeah, I can't buy that one.

It's a Cassandra Truth trope, but if she actually says anything, it spoils the big twist for the audience.

Agent ILikeTo ShootThings

Because plot!

- I thought it was a nice touch to have Gonzales try to be conciliatory with Jaiying, just so he wasn't the reactionary he was built to be. Although that meant Jaiying had to take that role.
- That was a lot of build-up just so Coulson could say "Surprise, I built a hellicarrier!"
- How the hell does Gonzales know about

Looks like Grodd and I have something in common: We both hate bananas.

This is like Darren Rovell's idea of porn.

Martin Freeman is… Bob, Agent of HYDRA!

The first promo image for JL, way back when the New 52 was announced, had Deadman (never joined), the Ryan Choi Atom (hasn't appeared), Lady Luck (hasn't appeared), and Green Arrow with a goatee.
One issue teased a secret history between Green Arrow and Aquaman. Has never been revisited.
One solicitation teased a new