
"I don't have your reviews! Th-there in Bill's house, a-and Fred's house!"

Isn't Simpsons Classic on hiatus for May?

David Greenwalt, and yes.

This is getting pretty hardcore. Inverting Juliette and Adalind has been fertile ground so far, and I agree with Les that Adalind works best when interacting with the actual cast.

What was it that Television Without Pity said about Angel? At a certain point, the plot becomes too absurd to be able to tell if character behavior is rational or not? Maybe they had a case of that.

It's the only time Bob Costas gets to interview people at eye-level.

"Wait a second, are you into hockey?"
"What I'm 'into,' Watson, is the possibility that the Cup was stolen."

So where's Lance Reddick's iconic slave role?

The twist in Daredevil #15 caught me off guard. Seems obvious in retrospect, but nothing in the current run suggested it was coming.

The secret gay cabal that makes the agenda needs to move on from Russia. They can't get any wins there.

GOB's not on board.

Oh my god oh my god real Katana outfit that is real.

That monstrosity nearly killed Alec Baldwin's career too.

Irish pride! Go Celtics! Celtics suck! Go Knicks!

Can Dr. Seuss just rest in peace?
Can these obnoxious cash-ins simply cease?

We've all been there.


And I'll tell you something else, I'm not even going to ask you. I want to know. But I'm not going to ask. You'll tell me when you feel comfortable… So what was it? $100 million? $110 million? Did you pay $120 million for this? Over 130? Can't be 140. Don't tell me you paid $150 million for this show! Did you pay $150

Pretty interesting to read Joss Whedon talk about all of the problems caused by the show and Coulson's resurrection. Apparently some people on the film side of Marvel weren't too happy about a SHIELD TV show being made right when Winter Soldier was destroying SHIELD.