"If we allow supermarkerts, what's next? Super-communism? Fruit and vegetables are just Obamacare for our bodies!" - Ted Cruz
"If we allow supermarkerts, what's next? Super-communism? Fruit and vegetables are just Obamacare for our bodies!" - Ted Cruz
Stupid sexy Lobo!
I didn't die! I didn't die!
*trips, falls into hole*
He flew off the handle.
That's essentially Garth and Kat, right? Does it have any reason for existing beyond making Wiig and Armisen laugh?
It doesn't really help that a lot of politicians, particularly on the right, have become extremely media savvy. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz know how to play the game. They either get softballs, or as we saw on CNBC, they bitch that journalists are big ole lefties with no interest in objectivity.
Fact-checking deserves a lot more attention than it gets. It's sad that it's essentially been downgraded to a subset of journalism, rather than part and parcel, but it is a reliable source for actually holding people accountable.
It's not so much the issue of balance as it is holding people's feet to the fire. We need more journalists who are willing to say that people in power are wrong and stupid. If you can't hold a goddamn senator accountable for making asinine comments *cough, Rand Paul, cough*, what's the point of journalism?
So, when do they bring us the menus?
The AV Club
never successfully killed anyone
Best Use of a Simpsons Quotation.
No one will ever mention the previous timeslot again, under penalty of torture.
That would be giving her way too much credit.
In other news, Victoria Jackson announced she will be spending Sunday night covering herself in fresh mud so that Obama's heat-seeking drones cannot detect her.
These are the same people who go on reality shows proclaiming "I'm not here to make friends," only to get the boot because everyone hates them.
Oh, so they have e-mails on computers now?
The real miracle of science is that Whoopi once fit in that costume.
Boy, I hope I got fired for that blunder.
Unfortunately, Billy and the Cloneasaurus has already been copyrighted.