
Nicholson in the Last Detail
SM1 Billy "Bad Ass" Buddusky was a genuiine, bonafied badass.

i told you once you son of a bitch im the best theres ever been…. at ballet!!

now you dont even have to read the book, can just see the movie.

I am just hoping for a sexy spinoff involving elizabeth I, nothing is better than historical figures getting their groove on on showtime. Maybe they can do a miniseries on franklin called "love in the time of syphalis."

May God have mercy on us all…… the horror

On going back to The Road comments, i am not sure i could handle that on the big screen. The book creates a cadence of gloom and hopelessness that would be extremely difficult to recreate in film, not that i am saying its impossible because obviously i havent seen it. Im not making a strong point here, but when i saw

Colbert and Carell were awesome on this show! I watched all of them when i saw they were on Hulu - The image of dana carvey as prince charles in a bathtub full of tea will forever haunt me. Also, those non pranks they pulled were genius, carell would be fake laugh so hard he was off camera half the time.

I am starting to feel the same way Friostid, and i have been a loyal viewer of this show since it started and was also a huge fan of the British version. Michael although consistently funny in the most superficial sense, is getting unbelievably stupid. The reason the British version worked so well was because you

trust me no one wants to see my videos, no one.

One thing that has been driving me nuts about this movie, was that a real Wings song he was singing or was that made up? Either way it was hilarious i just have to know.

I thought this was a really solid episode, no guest superstars to pry the too much from the usual cast. All Jack had to tell Elisa was that people would lose their jobs in massive carpet bombing style layoffs and she would have had to stay. If that happened they coulda just ran and gotten a mcflurry and skipped the